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At the 2023 Breath of Fresh Air Summit, attendees were invited to contribute to a poster on gaps in research, questions on how to advance outdoor play policy, thoughts about who we need to invite to the table and pedagogical priorities for outdoor play and learning. Download the resulting Future of Outdoor Play Poster here!    ...

Canadian Disability Participation Project (CDPP) is an alliance of university, public, private and government sector partners working together to enhance community participation among Canadians with physical disabilities. The CDPP designs, test, and implements evidence-based practices to increase the number of people with disabilities participating in the labour market, in sport and exercise, and to improve the...

The Trans Canada Trail is the longest trail network in the world that connects Canadians and visitors to nature and to one another, from coast to coast to coast, through accessible and inclusive outdoor activities. They build, maintain and steward Canada’s national trail through collaboration and partnerships! Learn more about Trans Canada Trail here!...

Co-Founder Richard Louv created the Children & Nature Network that arose from the call to action of a New Nature Movement. The Children & Nature Network's mission is to increase equitable access to nature so that children and the natural world can thrive. They have programs and information for youth, families, school, and cities. With...

Finding Nature is a “Nature Connectedness Research Blog” by Professor Miles Richardson. Professor Miles Richardson founded the Nature Connectedness Research Group which focuses on understanding and improving people’s connection to nature. They have several resources including a few handbooks including The Nature Connection Handbook! Learn more about Finding Nature blog here!...

City of Neighbors is the fourth book in the ThinkCities series by Andrea Curtis. It is a tool for kids, parents and teachers to learn about placemaking projects around the world. It aims to inspire young people to consider how they can get involved in making their community greener, cleaner, safer and more fun and...

Nature Companion ( is a free (no ads, no sign-up) app/website introducing many of the plants and animals found in Canada’s four western provinces. In just one app, you’ll find basic information about over 300 common plants, trees, birds, animals, insects, reptiles, and amphibians....

EcoFriendly West is an online publication celebrating the people, places, organizations, and projects that are playing a positive role in addressing environmental issues and protecting and maintaining nature in Canada's 4 western provinces. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or Mastodon, or subscribe by email at

Established in 1945, the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA) is a national organization dedicated to realizing the full potential of parks and recreation as a major contributor to community health and vibrancy. The CPRA provides members with information, resources and professional development they can use to make a difference in their own community. Learn more about...

Founded in 2012, Parachute Canada is a national charity dedicated to injury prevention. Their mission is to create a safer Canada by preventing serious and fatal injuries through evidence-based solutions that advocate and educate. They provide a wide variety of programs including Popping the Bubble Podcast and resources including the Child falls collection! Learn more about Parachute...