Our Vision
Outdoor play is a valued part of daily life for all people living in Canada.
Outdoor Play Canada serves to build and support the growing network of leaders and organizations working together to galvanize an outdoor play movement across Canada.
Outdoor play is a valued part of daily life for all people living in Canada.
Outdoor Play Canada is a national organization that brings together advocates, practitioners, researchers and partner organizations to promote, protect, and preserve access to play in nature and the outdoors for all people living in Canada. Outdoor Play Canada provides leadership to galvanize the outdoor play movement across Canada to promote the health and wellness of Canadians and the environments in which we live.
The work we support and lead is at its core about repairing our relationship with the land, and with each other as caretakers and stewards of the land. We acknowledge the traditional land defenders who have been here for millennia, and who are still here. When we look around us, breathe the fresh air, admire the rich biodiversity, this is an opportunity to thank the ancestors who sustain these lands so that we can benefit from them today. In our work, we strive to consider how future generations will benefit from the time, energy, and intention we put into it. We have a responsibility to carry forward these teachings.
Outdoor Play Canada is based in Ottawa, on the un-ceded and un-surrendered Algonquin and Anishinaabe territory. Our treaties challenge us to see our common purpose, share the gifts of the land, and step into our role as caretakers.
We commit to promoting, supporting, and applying an equity, diversity, inclusion, and indigeneity (EDII) lens and a continuous improvement approach to our work. This is in alignment with the action items identified within the Outdoor Play in Canada: 2021 State of the Sector Report priority on Advocating for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Outdoor Play.
Dr. Louise de Lannoy completed her PhD at Queen’s University in clinical exercise physiology. Her interests in population health and knowledge translation led her to join the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Team at the CHEO Research Institute where she became involved in and helped grow Outdoor Play Canada into the not-for-profit organization it is today. Louise is passionate about environmental stewardship, finding daily joy and wonder outdoors, and thinking creatively and collaboratively about whole-of-community challenges. She can’t believe her luck in finding such a joyous, satisfying, and playful form of work that aligns almost magically with these passions. Outside of OPC, Louise enjoys exploring Ottawa by running, cycling and skiing through it and winding down at the end of the day on the couch with a glass of wine, her partner Jeff, and their geriatric puppy.
Ryan Fahey (B.Ed, B.a HKin, CPT) is an educator and consultant and has been working within the play and education spaces for over a decade. He has a strong background in health and wellness and is deeply passionate about play. In his free time, you can find Ryan running the trails of Prince Edward Island or walking with his wife Amber and Dog Dash.
Dr. Maeghan James is a post-doctoral fellow with the Healthy Active Living and Obesity (HALO) Research Group working under the supervision of Dr. Mark Tremblay at the Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play (CCOP). Maeghan completed her PhD at the University of Toronto where her research program focused on understanding the role of parents for supporting children’s motor development and physical activity during early childhood. Maeghan’s current research focuses on the promotion of inclusive outdoor active play for all children and understanding the impact of outdoor play on holistic development and well-being in the early years. Maeghan is passionate about promoting physical activity and play among children of all abilities and has had the privilege to work with and learn from children and youth for over 10 years. Maeghan strives to engage and partner with children, families and community members to conduct meaningful and impactful research. Outside of her work with HALO and CCOP, Maeghan enjoys spending time outdoors by cycling, playing sports, walking her dog Eddie and camping.
Bayan Kaid is a Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE) who recently graduated from the Bachelor or Early Learning and Community Development (BELCD) honours degree program at Algonquin College. Bayan has an advanced diploma in Advertising and Marketing Communications Management and a diploma in Early Childhood Education. With a keen interest in connecting policy, research, and practice, Bayan is elated for the opportunity to refine her skills and carry on the mission of her predecessor, Mallory. Similar to Mallory, her focus is on continuing to build capacity and thought-leadership for outdoor play stakeholders, as well as leading advocacy initiatives for the promotion of outdoor play in the early years. Having a deep passion for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB), Bayan is excited to find ways to make the benefits of outdoor learning accessible for all.
Amy Jo Smith is a Registered Early Childhood Educator and a Resource Consultant with Children’s Inclusion Support Services, seconded to the CCOP for our project supporting children with disabilities in outdoor play and learning in natural spaces. She has been co – learning alongside children and families in diverse settings for the past two decades, and is passionate about creating accessible, welcoming spaces for children of all abilities to grow, explore and thrive. She has continued her learning journey in becoming a Forest and Nature School Practitioner and Trauma Competent Care Practitioner. She loves to be outdoors connecting, playing, and exploring alongside children, sharing their wonder and joy of discovery, and learning together from the resilience and beauty of the natural world. She can be found outdoors in all seasons – hiking a forest trail, enjoying Ottawa’s waterways on a bike path or a paddleboard, or skiing on one of the many winter trails!
Emily Stone joined the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group (HALO) team as a Research Coordinator in 2024 after completing her Master’s degree from Carleton University in Health Science, Technology and Policy. Emily contributes to the SPROUT and SPROUT-Able projects as part of the Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play. She aided in the production of the Canadian 2024 ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth during her Master’s degree. Emily completed her Bachelor’s degree in Biological Science from the University of Guelph. Emily’s interests involve making physical activity more accessible and encouraging more time spent outdoors. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, baking and spending time outdoors with friends and family.
Paula ter Huurne is a Registered Early Childhood Educator, outdoor enthusiast, and lifelong learner; she has a diploma in Early Childhood Education from Algonquin College, completing her final practicum in New Zealand studying the Te Whāriki curriculum and an Honours degree in Linguistics with a Concentration in Psycholinguistics and Communication Disorders from Carleton University. Paula has over a decade of experience working with children and families in diverse early learning and community settings. She is also a dedicated Camp Quality volunteer, serving pediatric oncology families, with experience in providing outdoor programs, fundraising, and event coordinating. Paula is passionate about equitable social change, environmental stewardship, language-rich environments for young children, and outdoor opportunities for people of all ages and abilities.
Alessia Capone (she/her) is a second year PhD student working under the supervision of Dr. Kelly Arbour-Nicitopoulos in the ADAPT Lab at the University of Toronto, in collaboration with the CCOP. Alessia received a Master of Professional Kinesiology (MPK) at the University of Toronto in 2022.
Aly Fraser is a third-year student in the Bachelor of Early Learning and Community Development program at Algonquin College. This term, she is excited to undertake a practicum with Outdoor Play Canada. At Algonquin, her favourite class is Exploring Inclusive Communities. Some of her favourite things to do are dance, listen to music and be with family and friends and explore. She also enjoys the outdoors! Some past placement experiences have been in childcare centres and elementary schools so this will be a fresh and new experience and she is excited to learn and gain knowledge with this new opportunity! During her practicum experience this term she is looking forward to working with the team and learning and hearing their connections with the work!
Amanda Lenz is a third-year student in the Bachelor of Early Learning and Community Development program at Algonquin College. From January 13th to April 8th, she will be at the Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play. At Algonquin, her favourite class so far has been Historical Overview of Early Learning because she enjoyed learning about how the view of childhood and early childhood education has changed over the years. Before starting at Algonquin, she worked with children for several years in many settings including recreation centres, summer camps, childcare centres, and before and after school care. She is originally from British Columbia and decided to return to school when she moved to Ottawa a few years ago. During her placement, she is looking forward to learning more about outdoor play and putting what she has learned over the past three years into practice.
Anujah Thankarajah is a practicum student and soon-to-be graduate student at the University of Guelph, completing her Master of Public Health. She earned her undergraduate degree in Population Health Science and Psychology at the University of Toronto in 2022. Anujah has diverse research experience across various organizations, including non-profits, with expertise in both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Throughout her academic journey, she has gained a strong interest in data analysis and knowledge translation. With a passion for promoting good health for all, Anujah is excited about supporting the development of the updated Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play, contributing to its global impact.
Mallory Donaldson is a Registered Early Childhood Educator with an advanced diploma in pre-health science and honours graduate of the Bachelor or Early Learning and Community Development (BELCD) degree program at Algonquin College.
Mallory was delighted to accept a position with the Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play (CCOP) in 2023 as their first fellow. In this role she built capacity and thought leadership for outdoor play stakeholders as well as led advocacy initiatives for the promotion of outdoor play in the early years.
Since completing her term as the CCOP fellow, Mallory has transitioned into a new position as the Early Years Specialist in Lanark County. In this role, Mallory builds responsive relationships, facilitates professional learning opportunities, and supports quality assurance for early childhood education programs/services in Lanark County. Additionally, as a Consolidates Municipal Service Manager (CMSM), Mallory assists Lanark County with the development of service planning.
Mallory carriers her knowledge and experience gained as the CCOP fellow with her in all aspects of her personal and professional life. She is excited to share her passion for sustainable nature-based learning with her community and continue to promote, protect, and preserve access to outdoor play for all people living in Canada.
Rekesh Corepal, Manager for Physical Activity Programs, BC Alliance for Healthy Living
Mavis Lewis Webber, ECE Consultant
Kimberly Squires, PhD, RECE, OCT, Assistant Professor at the University of Guelph
Matt Leung, Program Manager, Alberta Recreation & Parks Association
Mark Tremblay, OPC President and Senior Scientist, HALO Research Lab
Katy Cameron, Carleton University MSc HSTP student with the HALO Research Lab
Laurel Donison, RECE, PhD Student, Brock University Faculty of Social Sciences Child and Youth Studies Department
Ryan Francis, Manager, Provincial Outreach & Coordination, Government of Nova Scotia
Margaret Fraser, Co-founder and Co-director of Metalude
Tanya Halsall, Institute of Mental Health Research, University of Ottawa
Jennifer Leo, Director, The Steadward Centre, University of Alberta
Shelagh Pyper, BSc, Principal of Fuse Consulting
Stephanie Rivera, Waste Reduction Manager with Ecosource
The 2023 Outdoor Play Canada Awards are awarded: (1) Honour Award: Dr. Beverlie Dietze, (2) Dr. Mariana Brussoni Award: Megan Zeni, (3) Policy Award: Laura Molyneux and Cloudberry Forest and Nature School, (4) Practice Award: Dorothy Penner (5) Research Award: Dr. Mariana Brussoni (6) Youth Award: Xandria Reece.
The 2023 Breath of Fresh Air Outdoor Play Summit hosted by Outdoor Play Canada is held at Wesley Clover Parks in Ottawa, ON.
Outdoor Play Canada officially becomes a not-for-profit organization!
Outdoor Play Canada in collaboration with the CHEO Research Institute, Andrew Fleck Children's Services, and Algonquin College are awarded $2.1M in memory of John and Susanne Graham to launch the Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play.
The 2021 Outdoor Play Canada Awards are awarded: (1) Honour Award: Child Nature Alliance of Canada, (2) Dr. Mariana Brussoni Award: Brenda Simon and Linda Naccarato, (3) Policy Award: Mike Arthur, (4) Practice Award: Janna Sullivan, Aleesha Bird, Joanne Dunn, Meera Bandechha (5) Research Award: Dr. Trish Tucker.
The Outdoor Play in Canada: 2021 State of the Sector Report is launched at the 2021 Breath of Fresh Air Summit.
The second biennial Breath of Fresh Air Summit is held online with only the OPC Leadership Group convening at Wesley Clover Parks.
OPC receives funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Connection Program to translate all elements on the website including the Outdoor Play in Canada: 2021 State of the Sector Report into French.
The Lawson Foundation invests $4.95 million in eight outdoor play projects, including OPC.
OPC receives funding from an anonymous donor to develop the Outdoor Play in Canada: 2021 State of the Sector Report.
The World Health Organization announces a global pandemic. OPC publishes the statement 'Should I go outside in the COVID-19 era?' leading to a 100-fold increase in visits to the OPC website.
As part of the process of developing the application for Phase Two of OPS, OPC determines the following strategic priorities: 1) provide leadership and strategic direction for the outdoor play sector; 2) serve as a central portal of credible information on the outdoor play sector in Canada; 3) amplify efforts and successes related to outdoor play; and 4) convene and facilitate collaborations among members of the outdoor play movement.
The Lawson Foundation announces Phase Two of their Outdoor Play Strategy (OPS) and their plan to fund projects focused on building capacity to implement and support outdoor play in early childhood.
The inaugural Outdoor Play Canada Awards are awarded: (1) Honour Award: The Lawson Foundation, (2) Dr. Mariana Brussoni Award: Dr. Mariana Brussoni, (3) Policy Award: The City of Calgary, Parks and Recreation, (4) Practice Award: Maple Ridge Environmental School, (5) Research Award: Dr. Ian Janssen, (6) Youth Award: Chloe Dragon Smith.
Outdoor Play Canada is launched at the Breath of Fresh Air Outdoor Play Summit in Ottawa.
The first Canadian Outdoor Play Summit takes place at the Ottawa Forest and Nature School, and Wesley Clover Parks Campground.
Lawson Foundation hosts the Outdoor Play & Early Learning Policy Research Invitational Symposium in Toronto.
The Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health (CCMOH) Statement supports and endorses the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play developed by a coalition of organizations in 2015, which states: ``Access to active play in nature and outdoors-with its risks-is essential for healthy child development. We recommend increasing children's opportunities for self-directed play outdoors in all settings-at home, at school, in child care, the community and nature.``
A Common Vision for Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving is released in May, 2018 by the Government of Canada.
Gathering Strength: Framework for Recreation in Canada Forum, Regina - May 8-10, Canadian Parks and Recreation Association.
Parks for All, An Action Plan for Canada’s Parks Community embeds outdoor play within some strategic action items as an essential part of strengthening children’s connection to nature. Canadian Parks Council and Canadian Parks and Recreation Association.
#Nature4All in Canada was formed as a collaborative of partners working together to advance the #nature4all movement in Canada. Outdoor Play Canada is a contributor to this collective impact model.
Unleashing the Power of Play 20th International Play Association (IPA) Triennial World Conference, Calgary - Sept. 13-16
Moving Research to Action for Healthy Kids Children’s Health and the Environment Workshop and Symposium, London, ON - June 26-28
Children Need Nature, Nature Needs Kids, Child and Nature Network International Conference, Vancouver, B.C.
Parks, Protected Areas, Open Spaces and Public Places, Canadian Parks Conference - Banff, AB. Keynotes and workshops focused on health, nature and play.
Formation of Outdoor Play Canada, a growing network of multi-sector leaders working collaboratively to grow the outdoor play movement in Canada.
Ontario Trillium Foundation invests in the development of Outdoor Play Canada through the collective impact stream of funding.
Initial development of the Outdoor Play Strategic Impact Plan.
Canadian Outdoor Play Working Group transitions to design a collective impact model and process with national scope and provincial application in Ontario.
Ontario Trillium Foundation funds an initial stage of an Outdoor Play Collective Impact project.
Canadian Parks Summit - Canmore, AB - Parks for All document drafted. Canadian Outdoor Play Working Group provides input to include the role of outdoor play as integral for building a child’s connection with nature.
Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology released the report, Obesity in Canada - A Whole of Society Approach for a Healthier Canada, including a few recommendations to encourage and enable outdoor play.
Lawson Foundation Outdoor Play Strategy launched, with an initial investment of $2.7 million between 2013-2018 in outdoor play initiatives across Canada. The Lawson Foundation's total investment in outdoor play has now reached almost $5 million.
Supreme Court of British Columbia accepted the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play and 2015 ParticipACTION Report Card as ‘social fact’ and ‘authority’ evidence and ruled in favour of the District of Saanich that it was not negligent in a case involving a child and outdoor play (a game of grounders).
Position Statement Strategic Planning Meeting - Ottawa, ON. Position Statement on Outdoor Active Play partners and community experts identified stakeholder gaps & a dissemination strategy.
Release of the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play.
Release of the ParticipACTION 2015 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth.
Provincial and Territorial Ministers endorsed and the Government of Canada supported the Framework for Recreation in Canada 2015. The announcement took place at the 2015 Conference of Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers responsible for Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation.
Position Statement Working Group initiated the Position Statement draft process at Evergreen Brickworks in Toronto, lead by Dr. Mark Tremblay and the CHEO-HALO research group.
Recreation Framework Summit - Toronto. Endorsement of A Framework for Recreation in Canada 2015 – Pathways to Wellbeing.
Systematic reviews initiated to gather evidence: 1. What is the relationship between outdoor time and physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and physical fitness in children? 2. What is the relationship between risky outdoor play and health in children?
Canadian Parks Council releases the report, Connecting Canadians with Nature.
Canadian Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Conference – Montreal - pre conference workshop Risky Play Symposium, As safe as possible or as safe as necessary - can injury prevention include healthy risk promotion? The resulting paper was published, Can child injury prevention include healthy risk promotion?
Active Canada 20/20 National Roundtable - New Brunswick. Active Play Action Group formed.
Committee on the Rights of the Child provides General comment No. 17 (2013) on the right of the child to rest, leisure, play, recreational activities, cultural life and the arts (art. 31).
Right in Principle, Right in Practice, Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Canada, Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children.
Active Canada 20/20, the national physical activity sector strategic plan, was launched and includes references to the need for ‘spontaneous’ play within the context of physical activity.
Is Active Play Extinct?, Active Healthy Kids Canada 2012 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth includes the outdoor and nature indicator and highlights play as an essential part of child and youth physical activity levels.
Healthy by Nature Conference - multi-sector dialogue to support the connection between human health and nature. Vancouver, BC.
Healthy Children Healthy Spaces Conference - Ottawa, ON. Hosted an indicator workshop for the development of an outdoor and nature indicator to be included in the 2011 Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card.
Canada ratifies United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
Provide leadership and strategic direction for the Outdoor Play sector.
Serve as a central portal of credible information on the Outdoor Play sector in Canada.
Amplify efforts and successes related to Outdoor Play.
Convene and facilitate collaborations among members of the Outdoor Play movement.
With support from the Lawson Foundation and the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Outdoor Play Canada was formed as a collaborative multi-sector network of researchers, practitioners, leaders, educators and advocates committed to increasing opportunities for outdoor play.
Our founding partners include:
BC Injury Research & Prevention Unit
Best Start Resource Centre, Health Nexus
Canadian Parks and Recreation Association
Canadian Public Health Association
Child and Nature Alliance of Canada
Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group
IPA – International Play Association Canada
This National Panel aims to advance efforts towards changing ECE licensing regulations across provinces in Canada.
View panelThis nationally agreed-upon outdoor ECE continuous professional learning framework serves as a pedagogical document that aims to promote consistency in training and supporting outdoor ECE practitioners in their work, across Canada.
Access the Framework here - now available in EN and FR!This National Panel aims to advance efforts towards changing ECE licensing regulations across provinces in Canada.
View panelThis nationally agreed-upon outdoor ECE continuous professional learning framework serves as a pedagogical document that aims to promote consistency in training and supporting outdoor ECE practitioners in their work, across Canada.
Access the Framework here - now available in EN and FR!