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The Playbook 2030: A Guide to Building Canada's Most Livable Region, produced by ActiveCity Collective, is a systematic analysis of how the active economy impacts the economic, human, social, and environmental prosperity of Calgary and the region. Outdoor Play Canada provided feedback on the final draft of the Playbook, highlighting outdoor play as a key...

From 2015-2017, Vivo for Healthier Generations implemented its Play Ambassadors pilot outdoor play program in north-central Calgary. The goals of this program were to: 1) Increase unstructured, outdoor play through the creation of enriching environments for play. 2) Increase the quality of unstructured, outdoor play by training community members as Play Ambassadors in an evidence-based curriculum for...

The 'create nurturing outside environments: supporting infant and young children's free movement and active play' project by Regroupement des Centres de la Petite Enfance de la Montérégie (RCPEM) provided information and training to six pilot communities to address limitations in outdoor play, outdoor play spaces, and parental attitudes to outdoor play. They developed and tested...

Obesity in Canada: A Whole-of-Society Approach for a Healthier Canada, by the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, addresses the state of obesity in Canada and provides practical steps that can and must be taken to help Canadians achieve and maintain healthy weights. Included in the report are a summary of causes...

The Global Matrix Suite of Reports by Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance assess global trends in childhood physical activity in developed and developing nations, and inform, guide, and facilitate solutions to the global childhood inactivity crisis. Ten common indicators are assessed, including: Overall Physical Activity, Organized Sport and Physical Activity, Active Play, Active Transportation, Sedentary...

Nature and Why It’s Essential for Kids’ Brains: Information for Parents and Caregivers info sheet from provides information on what spontaneous outdoor play is, the health benefits of spontaneous outdoor play for children's physical and mental health based on evidence from the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play, and the disadvantages of indoor play...

The Canadian Parks and Recreation Association hosts free webinars throughout the year that offer tools, resources, and best practices for parks and recreation practitioners in Canada.   Check out the webinar series (including recordings of past webinars) here....

Rockyview Play is an outdoor play space consultant firm that designs and builds nature-based projects for schools, communities, developers, municipalities, day care centres, and private clients. Their outdoor nature-based designs include the Dermot District Park Natural Playground in Edmonton, the Natural Playscape in Banff, and the Nellie McClung School naturescape model in Calgary.   Learn more about...

The Wanuskewin Heritage Park interpretive playground in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, designed by Earthscape Play in collaboration with Crosby Hanna & Associates, was designed as an inviting space for children to explore and challenge themselves while making subtle connections (gathering circles, bison sculpture, rubbing rock) to the cultures and stories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have...

The Nature for Health and Equity Briefing, by the Friends of the Earth Europe and Institute for European Environmental Policy, provides an overview of the impact a lack of access to nature and natural areas has on health inequality. Topics in the briefing include: nature for children and adolescents, for well-being, for a sense of...