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The Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play (CCOP) recently hosted a special webinar on the newly launched Outdoor ECE Framework, formally known as, Educators Teaching Educators: Canada’s Outdoor Early Childhood Education Continuous Professional Learning Framework. Developed by the CCOP, this innovative framework was brought to fruition using valuable insights from early learning professionals across Canada, with the...

Outdoor Play Canada and Children & Nature Denmark recently came together to present a special webinar on supporting outdoor play and learning for children disabilities. This session highlighted the ongoing work of two national outdoor play organizations and research findings on inclusive and accessible outdoor play and learning from both Canada and Denmark. To watch this...

L'offre de formation de 100 degrés sur l’éducation en plein air fournit de nouvelles idées et connaissances pour enrichir la pratique des personnes qui œuvrent au quotidien auprès des élèves. Afin d'outiller les enseignantes et enseignants désirant utiliser cette approche prometteuse, 100° s'est engagé dans le développement et la diffusion d'une série de cours en...

On April 7, 2022 Dr. Trevor Hancock delivered a webinar on behalf of the Canadian Public Health Association entitled 'Our Planet, Our Health, Our Public Health Responsibility', in which he discusses climate change as the greatest public health challenge we now face, and efforts such as promoting outdoor play and learning as part of the...

SaskOutdoors has been partnering with Outdoor Play experts to lead "Get Outside and...

Streets for Pandemic Response & Recovery, by the National Association of City Transportation Officials and Global Designing Cities Initiative, is a report that provides cities with strategies to redesign and adapt their streets for new uses during the COVID-19 pandemic and in recovery. Among their recommendations is the prioritization of policies and network strategies for...

The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute is an organization that strives for excellence in primary prevention and knowledge translation, transfer, and exchange. Their knowledge products include pages on Play and Risk in Play, with definitions, tips, and resources (including a webinar featuring Outdoor Play Canada leadership group member, Dr. Mariana Brussoni). See the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute's Play page...

The 'create nurturing outside environments: supporting infant and young children's free movement and active play' project by Regroupement des Centres de la Petite Enfance de la Montérégie (RCPEM) provided information and training to six pilot communities to address limitations in outdoor play, outdoor play spaces, and parental attitudes to outdoor play. They developed and tested...

The Canadian Parks and Recreation Association hosts free webinars throughout the year that offer tools, resources, and best practices for parks and recreation practitioners in Canada.   Check out the webinar series (including recordings of past webinars) here....

The Advancing Early Childhood Education Outdoors Now Roundtable, led by Dr Mariana Brussoni, Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, explores the health and educational benefits of being outside, successful international models of early childhood education outdoors, and paths for advancing licensing outdoor early childhood education in British Columbia.   This 3-part roundtable series explored the...