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Park People’s 2024 Canadian City Parks Report, titled "Bridging the Gap," examines how partnerships and collaborations can help overcome the pressing challenges facing Canada’s park sector today. With insights from cities across Canada, this sixth annual edition highlights strategies to advance urban park development and management while fostering vibrant, inclusive, and resilient spaces for all.   To...

Check-out OPC's inaugural Annual Report to learn about everything we've been up to in our first year as a not-for-profit organization! We're immensely proud and honoured to be leading several exciting collaborative, cross-sectoral projects both in Canada and internationally. We could not have done it without our new and growing team of staff, students, and...

This table highlights nationwide efforts in Outdoor Early Childhood Education (ECE) licensing, covering research, policy, and practice. It includes guiding documents, legislative initiatives, and professional development opportunities. The primary aim is to showcase the collective efforts of organizations, the ECE workforce, outdoor learning advocates, and policy and research specialists dedicated to advancing outdoor ECE licensing...

Jumpstart Charities, founded in 2005, aims to enrich the lives of kids in need through sport and physical activity. Their “2023 State of Sport Report” provides a summary of their annual survey on the continued impact of the pandemic on youth sport in Canada. It outlines key findings such as the rising costs of youth...

Green Schoolyards America inspires and supports systems change to transform asphalt-covered school grounds into living schoolyards that improve children’s well-being, learning, and play, while strengthening their communities' ecological health and climate resilience. Their “2020-2022 Impact Report” provides an overview of their current initiatives including the California Schoolyard Forest System, and more local programs to support school districts...

In 2021, Metropolis – a global network of major cities and metropolitan areas – launched a global call for children to draw their hopes for the city of the future. The resulting report: “How do children imagine the future of their metropolises” is the result of an analysis of children’s contributions in response to that...

Spirit North is a not-for-profit organization that aims to empower Indigenous youth through sport and play. Their 2021-2022 Community Impact Report provides a 5-year overview of their initiatives, shares stories of success, and highlights their reach, impact, and vision. In particular, they highlight how sport and play can serve to advance reconciliation in Canada, by...

The 2022 Park People Report focuses on how collaboration, mindfulness, and power-sharing in parks can help nurture and repair relationships between ourselves, our communities, and the wider natural world. The report includes data on the latest national and local trends in parks including the observed trend of increased interested in adventure play in parks (e.g.,...

The Nature Connection Handbook, by Finding Nature's Dr. Miles Richardson and Dr. Carly W Butler, offers guidance and support to those seeking to promote connections with nature. This beautifully illustrated online resource highlights the importance of fostering nature connections, offers five simple pathways to start building nature connection, outlines the evidence-based pathways to nature connection...

This report from Maximum City summarizes data on children and youth's play, physical activity, emotions and healthy growth during the third wave of the pandemic in Ontario, in the spring and early summer of 2021. The results highlight the role of outdoor play and physical activity in maintaining emotional wellbeing and healthy growth during this...