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The AQCPE is a network representing the interests of child care programs in Quebec. Their aim is for all children from 0-5 years of age to have universal access to quality educational services in collaboration with families. They provide numerous services including but not limited to human resources and consulting services, educational services, healthy eating services,...

Since 1974, le Regroupement des centres de la petit enfance de la Montérégie has been working to defend the right of children to quality educational childcare services through the professional support offered from the CPE staff. The RCPEM works to promote the network of universal and accessible educational childcare services including continuing education, information, documentation and...

L'offre de formation de 100 degrés sur l’éducation en plein air fournit de nouvelles idées et connaissances pour enrichir la pratique des personnes qui œuvrent au quotidien auprès des élèves. Afin d'outiller les enseignantes et enseignants désirant utiliser cette approche prometteuse, 100° s'est engagé dans le développement et la diffusion d'une série de cours en...

Camp Jeu, situated on 520 acres within parc Jean-Drapeau in the city of Montreal, is an urban camp that provides outdoor-focused programs for young people 5-17 years to promote their sport and cultural development and the development of healthy lifestyle habits. Learn more about Camp Jeu here....

Le Projet Alex, launched by Association québécoise des CPE, is an initiative to support early childhood education services in bringing learning outdoors and exploring education by and through nature. Included as part of this initiative is a Frame of References document that lays the foundation for nature-based education in Quebec, which includes research highlights, their...

The 'create nurturing outside environments: supporting infant and young children's free movement and active play' project by Regroupement des Centres de la Petite Enfance de la Montérégie (RCPEM) provided information and training to six pilot communities to address limitations in outdoor play, outdoor play spaces, and parental attitudes to outdoor play. They developed and tested...

The Lion and The Mouse, a Montreal-based community organization that facilitates outdoor play programs in the city, offers Pop-Up Adventure Playgrounds in line with the work of Pop-Up Adventure Play. By introducing loose parts and inviting children to lead the way, these Pop-Ups encourage the re-appropriation of public space for play and nurture a culture...

Avec l’objectif constant de connecter le plus grand nombre à la nature, la Sépaq a travaillé sur plusieurs projets afin de rejoindre de nouvelles clientèles ou de faciliter l’accès aux territoires. Voici quelques initiatives mises en place: Vendredis grands-parents pour une sortie familiale réussie : L’accès à l’ensemble des parcs nationaux du Québec est gratuit le dernier...

Levelling the playing fields (LTPF) is a project by the Montreal Urban Ecology Centre (MUEC) and the School of Public Health at the University of Montreal (ESPUM) to deploy free-play pilot interventions in five Canadian communities using two innovative models of re-allocating urban space in favour of young children: the school street and the play...