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Families Canada is the national association of Family Support Centres focused on delivering education, training, and tools for their network of organizations to help build stronger families and communities. Families Canada's series called "Why Play?" includes a number of expert-approved resources (e.g., activity cards, books, pamphlets) on the latest best practices and science related to children's...

The Outdoor Practitioner is a free online magazine created by Muddy Faces, a UK-based organization that aims to support everyone in benefiting from being outside and connecting to nature. The Outdoor Practitioner magazine aims to support practitioners with their work and play outside, whether they are just starting their outdoor teaching and learning journey, or...

L'offre de formation de 100 degrés sur l’éducation en plein air fournit de nouvelles idées et connaissances pour enrichir la pratique des personnes qui œuvrent au quotidien auprès des élèves. Afin d'outiller les enseignantes et enseignants désirant utiliser cette approche prometteuse, 100° s'est engagé dans le développement et la diffusion d'une série de cours en...

On April 7, 2022 Dr. Trevor Hancock delivered a webinar on behalf of the Canadian Public Health Association entitled 'Our Planet, Our Health, Our Public Health Responsibility', in which he discusses climate change as the greatest public health challenge we now face, and efforts such as promoting outdoor play and learning as part of the...

The 'Standards for healthy eating, physical activity, sedentary behaviours and sleep in early childhood education and care settings: a toolkit' provides implementation recommendations and standards for promoting healthy movement and eating behaviours in early childhood education (ECE) settings. The toolkit highlights the importance of providing opportunities in ECE settings for play to promote children's healthy...

The Alberta Recreation & Parks Association has a series of tools to support municipalities in creating Play Declarations; formal, signed commitments for communities/municipalities to share a vision for play. Resources include 'how-to' guides, video presentations and executive summaries for use with decision-makers, and webinar presentations for practitioners (featuring a quote from OPC Chair Dr. Mark...

The Greenspace and Ecohealth Toolkit 2017, produced by Ecohealth Ontario, provides resources, guidance and assistance to those interested in making lasting improvements in community health through greenspace provision, access, and design. This resource aims to support policy makers and program deliverers in increasing opportunities for Ontario residents at all life stages to live, work, play,...

Recreate Place provides strategic planning, facilitation, design services, and activation support for communities that want to engage with children and youth to create better outdoor spaces and neighbourhoods. Child-friendly approaches are at the core of their work. They create age-appropriate, responsive processes that prioritize the meaningful participation of children and young people. They meet children where they are! Learn...

Ever Active Schools, based out of Edmonton, Alberta, put together a number of resources to support parents and teachers in promoting the health, well-being, and physical activity of students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Resources include a Youtube playlist of 60+ activities for daily physical activity, health and well-being, physical education lesson plans, as well as...

On October 21st, 2020, Take Me Outside (TMO) Day celebrated its 10-year anniversary, with more than 225,000 students and teachers participating across Canada. TMO activities also extended throughout the year, with the TMO Learning Challenge, a weekly outdoor challenge throughout the school year, and the 2020 Winter Challenge, a mid-winter outdoor challenge. To support educators...