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The University of British Columbia is among 8 recipients of the Lawson Foundation's Outdoor Play Strategy 2.0 funding pool. Their project, entitled 'PROmoting Early Childhood Outside (PRO-ECO): An Outdoor Play Intervention for Children Aged 3 to 5 Years in Early Learning and Child Care Programs' aims to increase children's time in quality outdoor play in Early...

Outdoor Play Canada is among 8 recipients of the Lawson Foundation's Outdoor Play Strategy 2.0 funding pool. As part of this project pool, we aim to galvanize the outdoor play movement across Canada and power it to new levels. We have the following 5 strategic priorities: Establish and operate OPC Provide leadership and strategic direction for...

Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning is among 8 recipients of the Lawson Foundation's Outdoor Play Strategy 2.0 funding pool. Their project, entitled 'Two-Eyed Seeing Approach to Land-based Play and Co-learning in Early Learning and Child Care Ecosystems' aims to shift post-secondary early childhood education, in-service professional development, and early years programming to advance...

The Child Nature Alliance of Canada is among 8 recipients of the Lawson Foundation’s Outdoor Play Strategy 2.0 funding pool. Through Forest School Canada, they have launched a multi-year Community Consultation Project. From 2021 to 2024, they will consult with forest and nature school practitioners across Canada to:  Articulate as a community what a quality Forest/Nature...

Play Outdoors Magazine: Exploring Outdoor Experiences in Early Learning is devoted to bringing articles, inspiration and creative ideas to those who play a key role in shaping the first five years of a child's life. Articles are written by educators, practitioners, and researchers and include: how-to incorporate loose parts in the outdoor environment, books and...

PaRx, an initiative by BC Parks Foundation and driven by health-care professionals, is Canada's first national, evidence-based nature prescription program. The goal of PaRx is to promote prescribing time in nature for lifelong health benefit. This online resource includes useful tools to make prescribing time in nature simple, fun and effective: quick tips, patient handouts, a...

Levelling the playing fields (LTPF) is a project by the Montreal Urban Ecology Centre (MUEC) and the School of Public Health at the University of Montreal (ESPUM) to deploy free-play pilot interventions in five Canadian communities using two innovative models of re-allocating urban space in favour of young children: the school street and the play...

The Lawson Foundation’s Outdoor Play Strategy is an integral part of their strategic direction and guides their efforts in exploring how outdoor play supports the healthy development of Canadian children and youth. They initially invested $2.7 million in 14 core projects, which grew to $4.5 million in related grants. Through a third-party evaluation, the Lawson...

The Great Trail of Canada has released their 2019-2020 Annual Report, highlighting the many projects and successes across the country including increased accessibility, expansion of greenways, and support for Indigenous-led projects.   Read the full report here....

The Raising Canada Reports are published annually and provide an in-depth review of the top 10 threats to childhood. In 2020, the report focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on these threats. In subsequent reports, the lasting impacts of COVID-19 on children's physical activity and play have continued to be a central theme...