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Funding for Outdoor Play in Canada supports funders and grant seekers in finding common ground and building partnerships to advance the multiple issue areas that overlap with outdoor play.   To find out more about current themes and trends, read the full Funding for Outdoor Play in Canada Report here....

The Greenspace and Ecohealth Toolkit 2017, produced by Ecohealth Ontario, provides resources, guidance and assistance to those interested in making lasting improvements in community health through greenspace provision, access, and design. This resource aims to support policy makers and program deliverers in increasing opportunities for Ontario residents at all life stages to live, work, play,...

Frontier College Summer Literacy Camps is a play-based learning partnership with First Nations, Metis, and Inuit (FNMI) communities across Canada. Each camp is unique, reflecting the identity, diversity, and priorities of the partner community. Camp programming is designed to inspire a lifelong love of reading. Camp is a community-wide event, featuring participation from parents, Elders,...

In 2017, Peterborough Public Health undertook an extensive review of evidence related to outdoor playspaces for children in response to an observed increase in playground injury rates in Peterborough compared to the rest of the province. The review focuses on evidence related to the benefits of outdoor play, safety and risk, injury prevention, physical activity,...

Le Projet Alex, launched by Association québécoise des CPE, is an initiative to support early childhood education services in bringing learning outdoors and exploring education by and through nature. Included as part of this initiative is a Frame of References document that lays the foundation for nature-based education in Quebec, which includes research highlights, their...

The PLEY (Physical Literacy and the Early Years) Project focused on improving physical literacy, physical activity and active outdoor play in Nova Scotia preschoolers through the integration of loose parts. Main findings of this project were summarized in a public-facing report and published in research-grade journals, were shared at the Summer of PLEY event in...

A Common Vision for Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving Report, a national policy document by the Public Health Agency of Canada, provides guidance on ways to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary living. The Common Vision is guided by five interdependent principles: Physical Literacy, Life Course, Population Approach,...

UpLift for Healthier Generations, a policy initiative focused on unstructured outdoor play for children and youth in Nova Scotia, aims to promote community contribution to physical activity and complement school physical activity policy. The policy development framework of UpLift consists of the following: Examine child health and well-being in communities Develop a definition of unstructured...

Child Friendly Participatory Design by Evergreen is an approach in which experts in the field of child-friendly participation work with schools, municipalities, government, and the corporate sector to innovate sustainable, child-friendly public spaces and experiences. Meaningful involvement of children and young people is at the heart of Evergreen's work. This informational resource includes definitions of...

Streets for Pandemic Response & Recovery, by the National Association of City Transportation Officials and Global Designing Cities Initiative, is a report that provides cities with strategies to redesign and adapt their streets for new uses during the COVID-19 pandemic and in recovery. Among their recommendations is the prioritization of policies and network strategies for...