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Canadian Disability Participation Project (CDPP) is an alliance of university, public, private and government sector partners working together to enhance community participation among Canadians with physical disabilities. The CDPP designs, test, and implements evidence-based practices to increase the number of people with disabilities participating in the labour market, in sport and exercise, and to improve the...

Promoting Life-skills in Aboriginal Youth (PLAY), by Right to Play Canada, is a program that trains locally-hired Community Mentors to deliver weekly play-based programs that promote healthy living, healthy relationships, education and employability life-skills to Indigenous children and youth. The program aims to provide safe play spaces, life-skills training, healthy food, inclusive physical activities, leadership...

The Child and Nature Alliance of Canada (CNAC) fosters meaningful connections with the outdoors for children and youth. They believe that all children and youth should have the opportunity to play and learn in forests, parks, meadows, and mud puddles. CNAC works to connect children and youth with nature through policy, research, and practice. Their key...

Established in 1990, International Play Canada (IPA Canada) is a national NGO whose mandate is to protect and promote the child’s right to play. IPA Canada provides a variety of resources including a Declaration on the Right to Play for Children in Canada. Learn more about IPA Canada here and check out more of their resources here!  ...

Established in 2014, the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance is not-for-profit organization that comprises of a network of researchers, health professionals, and stakeholders working together to advance physical activity of children and youth from around the world. Their mission is to power the global movement to get kids moving through thought leadership, knowledge translation and...

Farm to Cafeteria Canada has launched a new school food map and is intended for use by anyone who’s passionate about transforming how food is experienced, learned and celebrated at school. For schools, getting on the map can help celebrate your school's efforts, connect with other schools, and contribute to national data. For community partners,...

In 2021, Metropolis – a global network of major cities and metropolitan areas – launched a global call for children to draw their hopes for the city of the future. The resulting report: “How do children imagine the future of their metropolises” is the result of an analysis of children’s contributions in response to that...

Spirit North is a not-for-profit organization that aims to empower Indigenous youth through sport and play. Their 2021-2022 Community Impact Report provides a 5-year overview of their initiatives, shares stories of success, and highlights their reach, impact, and vision. In particular, they highlight how sport and play can serve to advance reconciliation in Canada, by...

The 2022 Park People Report focuses on how collaboration, mindfulness, and power-sharing in parks can help nurture and repair relationships between ourselves, our communities, and the wider natural world. The report includes data on the latest national and local trends in parks including the observed trend of increased interested in adventure play in parks (e.g.,...

On April 7, 2022 Dr. Trevor Hancock delivered a webinar on behalf of the Canadian Public Health Association entitled 'Our Planet, Our Health, Our Public Health Responsibility', in which he discusses climate change as the greatest public health challenge we now face, and efforts such as promoting outdoor play and learning as part of the...