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The Outdoor Learning Store is a charitable social enterprise with 100% of proceeds going back to outdoor learning non-profit initiatives. Their resources and equipment are organized according to season (spring, summer, fall, winter) and audience (student, educator). Check out the two-page overview of their Summer Outdoor Learning Resources & Equipment here: Summer-2022-Outdoor-Learning-Resources. And/or explore their resources and...

This report from Maximum City summarizes data on children and youth's play, physical activity, emotions and healthy growth during the third wave of the pandemic in Ontario, in the spring and early summer of 2021. The results highlight the role of outdoor play and physical activity in maintaining emotional wellbeing and healthy growth during this...

PHE Canada has developed a robust resource of physical education activities to support children and youth in getting active both at home and in school. The activities are focused on promoting physical competencies surrounding the themes of 'move', 'think', 'feel', and 'act'. Activities are categorized according to grade level (K-3, 4-6, 7-12) and are downloadable...

Written by Tim Gill and published & copyrighted by Play Wales, the Weighing up risks and benefits in children's play info sheet outlines why risk is important in children's play, the importance of finding a balance between protecting against injury and promoting beneficial play opportunities, and guidance on how to do so. Read the full info...

The Declaration on the Child's Right to Play in Canada, produced by IPA (International Play Association) Canada is a call for individuals and organizations across Canada to promote the child's right to play at local, regional and national levels. The Declaration outlines the benefits of play for children, the role of adults in supporting the...

Inclusive Playgrounds, led by the Canadian Disability Participation Project, presents thirteen evidence-informed recommendations for designing inclusive playgrounds to enable participation for children with disabilities, provides a diagram of a potential inclusive playground illustrating how these recommendations can be implemented, and provides a short description of how the recommendations were identified. Check out the Inclusive Playgrounds Resource...

WILD CHILD is an free outdoor play program for families run by childREACH in London, ON. The program is run three times per week all year round (no matter the weather) and is held in local wooded areas to support play in natural settings. childREACH recently developed a new component of their program called WILD...

EverActive Schools, a national charity that aims to create and support healthy school communities, put together the 'Exploring Loose Parts Play at Home' resource to support kids in getting outdoors and into play during the COVID-19 pandemic. The resource describes what loose parts play is, key concepts, and common items that make excellent loose parts...

Ever Active Schools, based out of Edmonton, Alberta, put together a number of resources to support parents and teachers in promoting the health, well-being, and physical activity of students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Resources include a Youtube playlist of 60+ activities for daily physical activity, health and well-being, physical education lesson plans, as well as...

The Alberta Orienteering Association has put together the Neighborhood Adventure, a self-guided adventure for kids and families to get outdoors for some fun in their local neighborhoods. The adventure involves creating a map of your neighborhood, planning a route, and completing challenges online. Learn more and get started on the Neighborhood Adventure here....