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The Risk Benefit Assessment Toolkit, developed by the Child Nature Alliance of Canada, supports practitioners who encourage children's outdoor play. It takes a balanced approach to risk and safety. The toolkit was created it because of growing concerns that children are overprotected when playing outdoors or stopped from going outside altogether. As a result, they...

The Lawson Foundation is pleased to release Advancing Outdoor Play and Early Childhood Education: A Discussion Paper which is a synthesis of a multi-sector symposium convened in October 2018. The discussion paper shares the major themes of the Symposium and proposes concrete actions to advance outdoor play and early childhood education. Links to resources related to the discussion...

In 2016, YYC Plays developed the Calgary Play Charter, a unifying document outlining why we believe play is important and how, in working together, we can create a community that supports and encourages comprehensive play opportunities for all Calgary children. The creation of the Play Charter was generously funded by The Lawson Foundation as part...

This infographic developed by Fuse Consulting Ltd. can be used to help mobilize the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play. Click here to download the infographic....

The Nature Playbook is a free and accessible resource/tool for outdoor play practitioners; it was published in July 2016 by the Canadian Parks Council. The book and its associated tools for implementation were created and designed by an intergenerational working group of Canadians from coast to coast to coast, all in support of increasing outdoor...