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Play Outdoors Magazine: Exploring Outdoor Experiences in Early Learning is devoted to bringing articles, inspiration and creative ideas to those who play a key role in shaping the first five years of a child's life. Articles are written by educators, practitioners, and researchers and include: how-to incorporate loose parts in the outdoor environment, books and...

Evergreen’s National School Ground Greening program works with school boards and school communities to transform their grounds into vibrant, nature rich environments, for play and learning. As part of this program, Evergreen has launched the Climate Ready Schools project to improve the overall design, management, and educational use of schools and schoolgrounds by mitigating flood...

Evergreen provides hands-on and virtual professional development workshops for teachers and early childhood educators interested in integrating nature, play, and experiential learning into their practice. The workshops are designed to equip educators with inquiry and play-based approaches that can be easily implemented into any space right away.   Learn more about the Evergreen Professional Workshops here....

In the face of continued COVID-19 lockdown measures, Creative Star Learning Ltd revamped their list of outdoor educational ideas and materials to further support educators during this challenging time.   The list is separated into the following categories: Fabulous Facebook, Wonderful World Wide Webpages, and resources on the Creative Star Learning website itself!   Check out the full resource...

Child Nature Alliance of Canada (CNAC)'s online resource portal Thrive Outside now includes a Teacher's Guidebook for bringing learning outside. This resource includes a number of strategies, tips, and ideas, including how to meet your curriculum in the outdoors, document learning in play, proposing outdoor learning to your administration, and more!   Check out the guidebook here. Read...

The Environmental Educators Provincial Specialist Association (EEPSA) in British Columbia put together a Position Statement on Education Outside the Classroom. In the Statement the authors outline the social, emotional, physical and academic benefits of spending time outside, recommendations on bringing education outdoors, as well as a call to action to discuss their recommendations, directed at...

PaRx, an initiative by BC Parks Foundation and driven by health-care professionals, is Canada's first national, evidence-based nature prescription program. The goal of PaRx is to promote prescribing time in nature for lifelong health benefit. This online resource includes useful tools to make prescribing time in nature simple, fun and effective: quick tips, patient handouts, a...

The Lawson Foundation’s Outdoor Play Strategy is an integral part of their strategic direction and guides their efforts in exploring how outdoor play supports the healthy development of Canadian children and youth. They initially invested $2.7 million in 14 core projects, which grew to $4.5 million in related grants. Through a third-party evaluation, the Lawson...

Dr. Michelle Stone and her team at Play Outside NS, based out of Dalhousie University, developed an outdoor loose parts play video based on their Summer of PLEY (Physical Literacy in the Early Years) knowledge translation event. The event took place in Summer 2019 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and showcases the many ways children engaged...

Are you interested in connecting children with nature through outdoor learning and play?   Thrive Outside is the Child and Nature Alliance of Canada's newest (and free!) outdoor learning and play resource portal, available now! Designed by educators, for educators, Thrive Outside helps to re-imagine what back to school can look like beyond the classroom. There are...