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The Nature for Health and Equity Briefing, by the Friends of the Earth Europe and Institute for European Environmental Policy, provides an overview of the impact a lack of access to nature and natural areas has on health inequality. Topics in the briefing include: nature for children and adolescents, for well-being, for a sense of...

Mentoring Nature Connections is a British Columbia-based blog dedicated to supporting teachers in gaining confidence with outdoor teaching and learning. Resources on this site focus on Reggio-inspired practices, including: Student-led learning Collaboration between parents, teachers, other community members Use of '100 languages' to communicate Environment as a third teacher Teacher as a facilitator Loose parts...

The O'Brien Farm Foundation is among 8 recipients of the Lawson Foundation’s Outdoor Play Strategy 2.0 funding pool. Their project, entitled ‘Informing Early Learning and Child Care Legislation in Newfoundland and Labrador’ aims to demonstrate the Cloudberry Forest School as a learning lab. They will identify best practices, risk management procedures, appropriate ratios, health and safety...

The Classroom Gardener, a collaborative project between Room To Play Educational Consulting and Victory Gardens Vancouver, aims to build confidence and capacity in the use of school gardens as playful spaces for cross-curricular learning. They offer professional development for teachers, on-site organic garden coaching, and curated resources for playful learning from, with, and on the land.    Learn...

Room to Play Consulting, led by Megan Zeni, aims to transform children’s experiences of school through outdoor play and learning, shift perceptions towards play as a legitimate pedagogical approach, and support teachers in getting more kids outdoors more often. Room to Play offers professional development for teachers on all things outdoor play that includes: Cross-curricular...

The Environmental Educators Provincial Specialist Association (EEPSA) provides professional development, resource documents and materials to help support teachers in expanding outdoor learning opportunities in British Columbia. Their resources include the  Position Statement on Education Outside the Classroom, which outlines the benefits of spending time outside, offers recommendations on bringing education outdoors, and includes call to...

Avec l’objectif constant de connecter le plus grand nombre à la nature, la Sépaq a travaillé sur plusieurs projets afin de rejoindre de nouvelles clientèles ou de faciliter l’accès aux territoires. Voici quelques initiatives mises en place: Vendredis grands-parents pour une sortie familiale réussie : L’accès à l’ensemble des parcs nationaux du Québec est gratuit le dernier...

Play Training is a workshop led by PLAYLearnThink and is geared towards anyone whose work impacts children. Half-day workshops provide an overview of the importance of play for children's development and guide participants in engaging in loose parts play. Full-day workshops build on the half-day program and offer additional training in play-based concepts such as...

The University of Guelph Child Care and Learning Centre Outdoor Playscape is a versatile outdoor play and learning environment constructed of natural materials, with an aim to maximize elements of play. The playscape also acts as a research site and workshop space for faculty and students in the Child Studies Program at the University of...