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Active for Life is a Canadian not-for-profit social initiative founded by B2ten. They are a national initiative that was created to help parents give their children the right start in life through the development of physical literacy. Active for Life has numerous resources including lesson plans! Learn more about Active for Life here!...

Formed in 1998, Play Scotland aims to make the child’s right to play a reality in Scotland. Their mission is to enable all children and young people in Scotland to have equal opportunities to participate in diverse and quality play experiences that meet their individual needs. Play Scotland raises awareness through Play Day, the Intro to...

Play England is a registered charity with the vision for England to be a country where everybody can fully enjoy their right to play throughout their childhood and teenage years. To achieve their vision, they aim to ensure that all children and youth have the freedom to play, that all residential neighbourhoods are child friendly places...

Founded by Jenette Restivo, Childhood by Nature was designed to be a resource to help parents and caregivers return childhood back to nature. Childhood by Nature offers activities via an activity finder, and a learning center with many resources. Learn more about Childhood by Nature here!...

PLaTO-Net (Play, Learn and Teach Outdoors Network) is a global network of thought-leaders interested in advancing research and practice related to outdoor play, risky play, outdoor learning and teaching through play. PLaTO-Net’s mission is to bring interested leaders, researchers, educators, stakeholders, and policy makers together in promoting and advancing outdoor play, learning, and teaching. Learn more...

Founded by Trevor Zahara, Peak Play is the Canadian agent and source for some of the top Playground Equipment made on the planet. They bring more than 30 years of playground work to the table to provide a source for insight, knowledge, ideas, inspiration, guidance, and assistance on play environment development projects. Peak Play consulting creates...

Operating since 2008, Recess Guardians empowers youth through active play. They provide programming that works to empower youth and discover the leader in themselves and create fun and effective programming that promotes inclusion and fair play. Their programs include the Recess Guardians In-School Program and Recess Guardians’ Virtual Leadership Program. Learn more about Recess Guardians here!...

Founded in 2020, the Global Recess Alliance is comprised of a group of scholars, health, and education leaders who speak publicly about the essential nature of recess for all children through their school years, including high school. Learn more about the Global Recess Alliance and their resources here!...

Since 1911, Andrew Fleck Children's Services has operated as a not-for-profit organization and was incorporated in 1920 under the legal name of the Ottawa Day Nursery Inc. It is one of the oldest and most diversified, multi-service early learning, childcare and family support organizations in Ontario. Their core values include excellence, leadership, inclusiveness, integrity, accountability,...

Roots and Boots Forest School was started in 2016 by Kellie Allen and Sara Wolthers. It was born from three mothers who believed in the value of immersing their children into the outdoors, and following their inquiries with the natural world. Roots and Boots is a Nova Scotia-based not-for-profit society governed by a Board of...