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Families Canada is the national association of family support centres. Families Canada ensures that family support organizations have the tools, training and resources they need to do excellent work in a cost-effective manner. Their mission is to champion the priorities, policies, and programs that build the strength of Canada's families. Learn more about Families Canada here!...

Farm to Cafeteria Canada (F2CC) is a not-for-profit organization that transforms how food is experienced and celebrated in schools across Canada. F2CC works with partners to grow the capacity of school communities across the country by connecting students to food and local systems that produce it. They focus on 3 pillars: 1) providing access to healthy...

The Child and Nature Alliance of Canada (CNAC) fosters meaningful connections with the outdoors for children and youth. They believe that all children and youth should have the opportunity to play and learn in forests, parks, meadows, and mud puddles. CNAC works to connect children and youth with nature through policy, research, and practice. Their key...

EcoHealth Ontario (EHO) is a collaborative of professionals in the fields of public health, medicine, education, planning and the environment working together to increase the quality and diversity of the urban and rural spaces in which we live. EHO works to grow the collaborative work, pilot pathways for change, gather and share information, build professional knowledge,...

The International Play Association (IPA) is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961. IPA provides a forum for exchange and action across disciplines and across sectors. Their purpose is to protect, preserve, and promote the child’s right to play as a fundamental right. IPA members from 60 different countries initiate a wide variety of projects that...

Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) is a national charitable association and Canada’s recognized leader in physical and health education. PHE Canada was established in 1933. PHE Canada empowers the PHE Community with quality programs, professional development services, and community activations to ensure equitable access to the benefits of quality physical and health education...

Established in 1951, the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association (ARPA) is a provincial not-for-profit organization committed to collaborating with their members and partners to help build healthy citizens, communities and environments. The ARPA delivers a variety of programs that enhance the quality of life of Albertans, providing education and professional development opportunities, hosting key sector events,...

SaskOutdoors encourages educators and people who participate in outdoor recreation to practice and teach environmental responsibility. Their vision is a province where every person can experience a deep connection with nature, play and learn outdoors, and live in harmony with their natural surroundings. They help to connect the people of Saskatchewan to the outdoors and support...

The Outdoor Learning Store is a charitable social enterprise offering excellent outdoor learning equipment and resources with 100% of proceeds going back to supporting outdoor learning not-for-profit initiatives. They have many professional learning resources on outdoor learning as well as an abundance of outdoor items in their online store! Learn more about Outdoor Learning Store here!...

Maximum City is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of designers, educators, and urban planners. Maximum City provides learning that sticks and engagement that matters. Maximum City provides many resources including Play to Thrive! Check out their play resources and learn more about Maximum City here!...