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The Environmental Educators Provincial Specialist Association (EEPSA) in British Columbia put together a Position Statement on Education Outside the Classroom. In the Statement the authors outline the social, emotional, physical and academic benefits of spending time outside, recommendations on bringing education outdoors, as well as a call to action to discuss their recommendations, directed at...

The Lawson Foundation’s Outdoor Play Strategy is an integral part of their strategic direction and guides their efforts in exploring how outdoor play supports the healthy development of Canadian children and youth. They initially invested $2.7 million in 14 core projects, which grew to $4.5 million in related grants. Through a third-party evaluation, the Lawson...

This winter (and eventually, spring), the City of Calgary is continuing its self-directed, drop-in program that uses natural elements such as snow, tree stumps, tree cookies, branches, twigs and rocks to inspire active and creative outdoor play, and connect people, young and old, to nature, with onsite play ambassadors to inspire play. Parents are encouraged...

Physical and Health Education (PHE) Canada has released a National Position Statement on Recess that calls for educators, administrators, and district officials to consider a new approach to recess in schools across Canada, and provides supporting information to do so. In the Statement, the authors outline the importance of recess for children's social well-being, immediate and...

In 2016, YYC Plays developed the Calgary Play Charter, a unifying document outlining why we believe play is important and how, in working together, we can create a community that supports and encourages comprehensive play opportunities for all Calgary children. The creation of the Play Charter was generously funded by The Lawson Foundation as part...