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The Greenspace and Ecohealth Toolkit 2017, produced by Ecohealth Ontario, provides resources, guidance and assistance to those interested in making lasting improvements in community health through greenspace provision, access, and design. This resource aims to support policy makers and program deliverers in increasing opportunities for Ontario residents at all life stages to live, work, play,...

The Benefits of Being in Nature factsheet by the Halifax Regional Municipality and the Nova Scotia Health Authority summarizes evidence on the benefits of being in nature including the benefits of outdoor play for children's healthy movement, which references the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play. Also included in the factsheet is a list of...

UpLift for Healthier Generations, a policy initiative focused on unstructured outdoor play for children and youth in Nova Scotia, aims to promote community contribution to physical activity and complement school physical activity policy. The policy development framework of UpLift consists of the following: Examine child health and well-being in communities Develop a definition of unstructured...

The Playbook 2030: A Guide to Building Canada's Most Livable Region, produced by ActiveCity Collective, is a systematic analysis of how the active economy impacts the economic, human, social, and environmental prosperity of Calgary and the region. Outdoor Play Canada provided feedback on the final draft of the Playbook, highlighting outdoor play as a key...

The Lion and The Mouse, a Montreal-based community organization that facilitates outdoor play programs in the city, offers Pop-Up Adventure Playgrounds in line with the work of Pop-Up Adventure Play. By introducing loose parts and inviting children to lead the way, these Pop-Ups encourage the re-appropriation of public space for play and nurture a culture...

Avec l’objectif constant de connecter le plus grand nombre à la nature, la Sépaq a travaillé sur plusieurs projets afin de rejoindre de nouvelles clientèles ou de faciliter l’accès aux territoires. Voici quelques initiatives mises en place: Vendredis grands-parents pour une sortie familiale réussie : L’accès à l’ensemble des parcs nationaux du Québec est gratuit le dernier...

Bushkids provides training, mentorship, consultancy and advocacy work to support healthy relationships with ourselves, each other, and the Land. Their mentorship program works with teachers, and their students, to help them feel comfortable implementing on-the-Land learning into their pedagogical approaches delivered in the public school system. Learn more about Bushkids here....

Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning is among 8 recipients of the Lawson Foundation's Outdoor Play Strategy 2.0 funding pool. Their project, entitled 'Two-Eyed Seeing Approach to Land-based Play and Co-learning in Early Learning and Child Care Ecosystems' aims to shift post-secondary early childhood education, in-service professional development, and early years programming to advance...

Since 2006, the OCDSB has offered an outdoor education experience to all OCDSB grade 3 and 7 classes through the “Every Student Attends Program”. The OCDSB “Every Student Attends Program” entitles each grade 3 & 7 class in the OCDSB to one free field trip per year to either Bill Mason or MacSkimming Outdoor Education...