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The World Playground Research Institute has created a comprehensive article database, offering access to peer-reviewed articles and evidence-based studies on playground design, play environments, and their impact on child development. Curated by industry experts, the database supports educators, researchers, policymakers, and designers in promoting high-quality, inclusive, and engaging play spaces. Click here to access the World...

The Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play (CCOP) recently hosted a special webinar on the newly launched Outdoor ECE Framework, formally known as, Educators Teaching Educators: Canada’s Outdoor Early Childhood Education Continuous Professional Learning Framework. Developed by the CCOP, this innovative framework was brought to fruition using valuable insights from early learning professionals across Canada, with the...

Outdoor Play Canada and Children & Nature Denmark recently came together to present a special webinar on supporting outdoor play and learning for children disabilities. This session highlighted the ongoing work of two national outdoor play organizations and research findings on inclusive and accessible outdoor play and learning from both Canada and Denmark. To watch this...

This innovative tool was created by Metalude in collaboration with the Centre d’écologie urbaine in Montreal. Designed for municipalities, the tool aims to help public space designers and managers plan for children's play in public space. The tool connects children's play experiences and basic needs to affordances municipalities can act on. It also provides a framework for municipalities to design...

Canadian Disability Participation Project (CDPP) is an alliance of university, public, private and government sector partners working together to enhance community participation among Canadians with physical disabilities. The CDPP designs, test, and implements evidence-based practices to increase the number of people with disabilities participating in the labour market, in sport and exercise, and to improve the...

Co-Founder Richard Louv created the Children & Nature Network that arose from the call to action of a New Nature Movement. The Children & Nature Network's mission is to increase equitable access to nature so that children and the natural world can thrive. They have programs and information for youth, families, school, and cities. With...

Founded in 2005, Jumpstart Charities helps kids overcome financial and accessibility barriers to sport and recreation in an effort to provide inclusive play for kids of all abilities. Their mission is to enrich the lives of kids in need through sport and physical activity. Jumpstart provides programs in the form of grants including Individual Child Grants...

Outdoor Play Canada is proud to support Take Me Outside’s Outdoor Learning Resource Hub, a living document and comprehensive guide that highlights outdoor learning organizations throughout the country. Regardless of your experience or expertise in outdoor learning, you can explore this directory to learn more about what each of these featured organizations are up to, and...

It’s better when we play together!  From The Steadward Centre and Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities, The Inclusive Play Leadership Resource is an online resource that helps leaders in children’s physical activity and recreation create and lead inclusive play experiences for kids of all abilities! Learn how to support games and playground play that are engaging...