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The World Playground Research Institute has created a comprehensive article database, offering access to peer-reviewed articles and evidence-based studies on playground design, play environments, and their impact on child development. Curated by industry experts, the database supports educators, researchers, policymakers, and designers in promoting high-quality, inclusive, and engaging play spaces. Click here to access the World...

Park People’s 2024 Canadian City Parks Report, titled "Bridging the Gap," examines how partnerships and collaborations can help overcome the pressing challenges facing Canada’s park sector today. With insights from cities across Canada, this sixth annual edition highlights strategies to advance urban park development and management while fostering vibrant, inclusive, and resilient spaces for all.   To...

The Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA) has recently developed the Activate Your Neighbourhood (AYN) guide - filled with ideas, links, and resources - to help Canadians reimagine, rethink, and repurpose the spaces in their neighbourhoods to support and encourage physical activity and social connections. To find out more about the AYN tactical guide, created for people who...

This innovative tool was created by Metalude in collaboration with the Centre d’écologie urbaine in Montreal. Designed for municipalities, the tool aims to help public space designers and managers plan for children's play in public space. The tool connects children's play experiences and basic needs to affordances municipalities can act on. It also provides a framework for municipalities to design...

Recreation Nova Scotia (RNS), in collaboration with the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage – Communities, Sport, and Recreation Division, has produced an Outdoor Play Booklet with practical tips and guidance for parents and caregivers. This new resource includes information on many outdoor play topics such as the importance of outdoor play for children, guidance...

Green Schoolyards America has posted a new set of free online resources called the "Schoolyard Forest System Resource Library" with many practical resources to support school districts as they plant, use, and maintain schoolyard forests! They have numerous topics within their resource library such as making the case for schoolyard forests, design, implementation, and maintenance,...

Green Schoolyards America inspires and supports systems change to transform asphalt-covered school grounds into living schoolyards that improve children’s well-being, learning, and play, while strengthening their communities' ecological health and climate resilience. Their “2020-2022 Impact Report” provides an overview of their current initiatives including the California Schoolyard Forest System, and more local programs to support school districts...

Roots & Shoots supports youth to take action on local sustainability issues in their community through a 4-step program. Get Inspired Map Your Community Take Action Celebrate Your Impact! Roots & Shoots teaches young people how to design projects that tackle the intersection of biodiversity loss (animals), environmental inequity (people), and climate change (the environment). By...

Outdoor Play Canada is proud to support Take Me Outside’s Outdoor Learning Resource Hub, a living document and comprehensive guide that highlights outdoor learning organizations throughout the country. Regardless of your experience or expertise in outdoor learning, you can explore this directory to learn more about what each of these featured organizations are up to, and...