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Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) is a national charitable association and Canada’s recognized leader in physical and health education. PHE Canada was established in 1933. PHE Canada empowers the PHE Community with quality programs, professional development services, and community activations to ensure equitable access to the benefits of quality physical and health education...

SaskOutdoors encourages educators and people who participate in outdoor recreation to practice and teach environmental responsibility. Their vision is a province where every person can experience a deep connection with nature, play and learn outdoors, and live in harmony with their natural surroundings. They help to connect the people of Saskatchewan to the outdoors and support...

Maximum City is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of designers, educators, and urban planners. Maximum City provides learning that sticks and engagement that matters. Maximum City provides many resources including Play to Thrive! Check out their play resources and learn more about Maximum City here!...

Established in 1990, International Play Canada (IPA Canada) is a national NGO whose mandate is to protect and promote the child’s right to play. IPA Canada provides a variety of resources including a Declaration on the Right to Play for Children in Canada. Learn more about IPA Canada here and check out more of their resources here!  ...

Founded in 2007, Muddy Faces is a UK outdoor store which provides outdoor equipment including woodworking, clothing and footwear, as well as resources that support creative play, gardening and much more! They also have a free outdoor hub with a variety of resources including their Outdoor Practitioner Magazine! Learn more about Muddy Faces here!  ...

Play Wales is the national charity for children’s play in Wales. Their mission is to campaign for a play-friendly Wales by leading with intention, collaborating with inclusivity, educating with enthusiasm, and supporting with sensitivity. They focus on three areas: 1) Raising awareness, 2) Promoting good practice, and 3) Providing advice and guidance across all sectors. Play...

Outdoor Play Canada is proud to support Take Me Outside’s Outdoor Learning Resource Hub, a living document and comprehensive guide that highlights outdoor learning organizations throughout the country. Regardless of your experience or expertise in outdoor learning, you can explore this directory to learn more about what each of these featured organizations are up to, and...

Farm to Cafeteria Canada has launched a new school food map and is intended for use by anyone who’s passionate about transforming how food is experienced, learned and celebrated at school. For schools, getting on the map can help celebrate your school's efforts, connect with other schools, and contribute to national data. For community partners,...

In 2021, Metropolis – a global network of major cities and metropolitan areas – launched a global call for children to draw their hopes for the city of the future. The resulting report: “How do children imagine the future of their metropolises” is the result of an analysis of children’s contributions in response to that...

Spirit North is a not-for-profit organization that aims to empower Indigenous youth through sport and play. Their 2021-2022 Community Impact Report provides a 5-year overview of their initiatives, shares stories of success, and highlights their reach, impact, and vision. In particular, they highlight how sport and play can serve to advance reconciliation in Canada, by...