Among the CCOP’s major projects is to develop a nationally agreed-upon outdoor ECE continuous professional learning framework. The idea behind this, is that many outdoor ECE continuous learning opportunities already exist in Canada. But few of them speak to each other, and moreover, because of the way ECE is regulated provincially, there is no national oversight on key pedagogical practices of this type of continuous learning.
The CCOP aims to bring together those already doing this good work, learn from them, identify what they perceive as key pedagogical practices in outdoor ECE continuous learning, and put this all together through the development of Educators Teaching Educators: Canada’s Outdoor Early Childhood Education Continuous Professional Learning Framework (‘Outdoor ECE Framework’). The purpose of this evidence-informed framework is to achieve consensus and serve as a pedagogical document that promotes consistency in training and supporting outdoor ECE practitioners in their work, across Canada. The intended audience of the Rooted Principles and the larger Outdoor ECE Framework is to support educators teaching educators.
Read the full framework here: