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The Trans Canada Trail is the longest trail network in the world that connects Canadians and visitors to nature and to one another, from coast to coast to coast, through accessible and inclusive outdoor activities. They build, maintain and steward Canada’s national trail through collaboration and partnerships! Learn more about Trans Canada Trail here!...

EcoFriendly West is an online publication celebrating the people, places, organizations, and projects that are playing a positive role in addressing environmental issues and protecting and maintaining nature in Canada's 4 western provinces. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or Mastodon, or subscribe by email at

Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) is a national charitable association and Canada’s recognized leader in physical and health education. PHE Canada was established in 1933. PHE Canada empowers the PHE Community with quality programs, professional development services, and community activations to ensure equitable access to the benefits of quality physical and health education...

SaskOutdoors encourages educators and people who participate in outdoor recreation to practice and teach environmental responsibility. Their vision is a province where every person can experience a deep connection with nature, play and learn outdoors, and live in harmony with their natural surroundings. They help to connect the people of Saskatchewan to the outdoors and support...

Founded in 2005, Jumpstart Charities helps kids overcome financial and accessibility barriers to sport and recreation in an effort to provide inclusive play for kids of all abilities. Their mission is to enrich the lives of kids in need through sport and physical activity. Jumpstart provides programs in the form of grants including Individual Child Grants...

Park People is a registered, independent, charitable organization that helps people activate the power of parks to improve the quality of life in cities across Canada. They support and mobilize community park groups, community organizers, non-profits, park professionals and funders who activate the power of parks. Park People provide programs, professional services, and webinars and events...

EverActive Schools is a registered national charity designed to create and support healthy school communities. They engage and support schools through the Comprehensive School Health framework, which addresses health and education goals to improve the social outcomes of children and youth in Alberta. They offer professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators including different workshops, self-guided...

Alberta Orienteering Association is the provincial sport organization representing orienteering in Alberta. Their vision is that Albertans of all ages and abilities, from recreational participants to elite athletes, recognize and enjoy orienteering as a rewarding outdoor navigational sport that builds physical and mental capacity to stay active for life. They offer several programs for children and...

Established in 2014, the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance is not-for-profit organization that comprises of a network of researchers, health professionals, and stakeholders working together to advance physical activity of children and youth from around the world. Their mission is to power the global movement to get kids moving through thought leadership, knowledge translation and...