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The Street Design Challenge, by Maximum City, aims to engage Canadian children and youth in hands-on design and problem solving in redesigning neighborhood streets. Resources that are a part of this initiative include a Street Design Challenge Guide, Street Design Worksheets, as well as a Glossary of Terms.   Learn more about the Street Design Challenge here....

The Playbook 2030: A Guide to Building Canada's Most Livable Region, produced by ActiveCity Collective, is a systematic analysis of how the active economy impacts the economic, human, social, and environmental prosperity of Calgary and the region. Outdoor Play Canada provided feedback on the final draft of the Playbook, highlighting outdoor play as a key...

From 2015-2017, Vivo for Healthier Generations implemented its Play Ambassadors pilot outdoor play program in north-central Calgary. The goals of this program were to: 1) Increase unstructured, outdoor play through the creation of enriching environments for play. 2) Increase the quality of unstructured, outdoor play by training community members as Play Ambassadors in an evidence-based curriculum for...

The 'create nurturing outside environments: supporting infant and young children's free movement and active play' project by Regroupement des Centres de la Petite Enfance de la Montérégie (RCPEM) provided information and training to six pilot communities to address limitations in outdoor play, outdoor play spaces, and parental attitudes to outdoor play. They developed and tested...

The Global Matrix Suite of Reports by Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance assess global trends in childhood physical activity in developed and developing nations, and inform, guide, and facilitate solutions to the global childhood inactivity crisis. Ten common indicators are assessed, including: Overall Physical Activity, Organized Sport and Physical Activity, Active Play, Active Transportation, Sedentary...

The Nature for Health and Equity Briefing, by the Friends of the Earth Europe and Institute for European Environmental Policy, provides an overview of the impact a lack of access to nature and natural areas has on health inequality. Topics in the briefing include: nature for children and adolescents, for well-being, for a sense of...

Spotlight: Creativity, A 2020 HundrED research report, by the LEGO Foundation and hundrED, highlights leading education innovations from around the world, including the Walking Curriculum, a Canadian initiative led by Gillian Judson that aims develop students’ Sense of Place and enrich their curricular learning through 60 different walks.   Check out the full Spotlight Creativity Report here....

The University of Guelph Child Care and Learning Centre Outdoor Playscape is a versatile outdoor play and learning environment constructed of natural materials, with an aim to maximize elements of play. The playscape also acts as a research site and workshop space for faculty and students in the Child Studies Program at the University of...

The YMCA of Southwestern Ontario is among 8 recipients of the Lawson Foundation's Outdoor Play Strategy 2.0 funding pool. Their project, entitled 'Embedding Outdoor Play Training: A YMCA National Early Learning and Child Care Transformation' aims to embed outdoor pedagogy across the YMCA national network and curriculum through a train-the-trainer model. The training focuses on incorporating...

The University of British Columbia is among 8 recipients of the Lawson Foundation's Outdoor Play Strategy 2.0 funding pool. Their project, entitled 'PROmoting Early Childhood Outside (PRO-ECO): An Outdoor Play Intervention for Children Aged 3 to 5 Years in Early Learning and Child Care Programs' aims to increase children's time in quality outdoor play in Early...