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The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute is an organization that strives for excellence in primary prevention and knowledge translation, transfer, and exchange. Their knowledge products include pages on Play and Risk in Play, with definitions, tips, and resources (including a webinar featuring Outdoor Play Canada leadership group member, Dr. Mariana Brussoni). See the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute's Play page...

KidScore & YouthScore, by Maximum City, is a child-friendly neighborhood assessment tool. This tool encourages children and youth to explore and measure how kid-friendly or youth-friendly an urban area is via a survey and affiliated activities. The survey and activities ask about ways to get around in an area, things for kids and youth to see...

Right to Play: A fundamental necessity for healthy development! is a fact sheet co-published by the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children and International Play Association Canada that outlines areas of action to promote children's play. Areas of action include: Promoting awareness among parents, caregivers, education professionals, recreation leaders, planners, decision makers on the importance...

KidActive provided secretariat support for a collaborative leadership model to co-ordinate and gather existing and potential resources, social networks, data, opportunities and insights to further the reach and deepen the impact of the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play across Canada. KidActive convened the Canadian Outdoor Play Working Group, which evolved into Outdoor Play Canada....

The Street Design Challenge, by Maximum City, aims to engage Canadian children and youth in hands-on design and problem solving in redesigning neighborhood streets. Resources that are a part of this initiative include a Street Design Challenge Guide, Street Design Worksheets, as well as a Glossary of Terms.   Learn more about the Street Design Challenge here....

The Playbook 2030: A Guide to Building Canada's Most Livable Region, produced by ActiveCity Collective, is a systematic analysis of how the active economy impacts the economic, human, social, and environmental prosperity of Calgary and the region. Outdoor Play Canada provided feedback on the final draft of the Playbook, highlighting outdoor play as a key...

The Global Matrix Suite of Reports by Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance assess global trends in childhood physical activity in developed and developing nations, and inform, guide, and facilitate solutions to the global childhood inactivity crisis. Ten common indicators are assessed, including: Overall Physical Activity, Organized Sport and Physical Activity, Active Play, Active Transportation, Sedentary...

The Canadian Parks and Recreation Association hosts free webinars throughout the year that offer tools, resources, and best practices for parks and recreation practitioners in Canada.   Check out the webinar series (including recordings of past webinars) here....

The Nature for Health and Equity Briefing, by the Friends of the Earth Europe and Institute for European Environmental Policy, provides an overview of the impact a lack of access to nature and natural areas has on health inequality. Topics in the briefing include: nature for children and adolescents, for well-being, for a sense of...

The O'Brien Farm Foundation is among 8 recipients of the Lawson Foundation’s Outdoor Play Strategy 2.0 funding pool. Their project, entitled ‘Informing Early Learning and Child Care Legislation in Newfoundland and Labrador’ aims to demonstrate the Cloudberry Forest School as a learning lab. They will identify best practices, risk management procedures, appropriate ratios, health and safety...