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At the 2023 Breath of Fresh Air Summit, attendees were invited to contribute to a poster on gaps in research, questions on how to advance outdoor play policy, thoughts about who we need to invite to the table and pedagogical priorities for outdoor play and learning. Download the resulting Future of Outdoor Play Poster here!    ...

Co-Founder Richard Louv created the Children & Nature Network that arose from the call to action of a New Nature Movement. The Children & Nature Network's mission is to increase equitable access to nature so that children and the natural world can thrive. They have programs and information for youth, families, school, and cities. With...

Finding Nature is a “Nature Connectedness Research Blog” by Professor Miles Richardson. Professor Miles Richardson founded the Nature Connectedness Research Group which focuses on understanding and improving people’s connection to nature. They have several resources including a few handbooks including The Nature Connection Handbook! Learn more about Finding Nature blog here!...

Founded in 2012, Parachute Canada is a national charity dedicated to injury prevention. Their mission is to create a safer Canada by preventing serious and fatal injuries through evidence-based solutions that advocate and educate. They provide a wide variety of programs including Popping the Bubble Podcast and resources including the Child falls collection! Learn more about Parachute...

The Vancouver Junior Ranger Program is a resource for all teachers to facilitate safe and exciting outdoor learning in city parks. Teacher candidates work alongside the Lead Vancouver Park Ranger in Stanley Park, providing education to visitors to the park while developing outdoor activities and nature safety tours for school groups and field trips.   Learn more...

Promoting Life-skills in Aboriginal Youth (PLAY), by Right to Play Canada, is a program that trains locally-hired Community Mentors to deliver weekly play-based programs that promote healthy living, healthy relationships, education and employability life-skills to Indigenous children and youth. The program aims to provide safe play spaces, life-skills training, healthy food, inclusive physical activities, leadership...

The Child and Nature Alliance of Canada (CNAC) fosters meaningful connections with the outdoors for children and youth. They believe that all children and youth should have the opportunity to play and learn in forests, parks, meadows, and mud puddles. CNAC works to connect children and youth with nature through policy, research, and practice. Their key...

SaskOutdoors encourages educators and people who participate in outdoor recreation to practice and teach environmental responsibility. Their vision is a province where every person can experience a deep connection with nature, play and learn outdoors, and live in harmony with their natural surroundings. They help to connect the people of Saskatchewan to the outdoors and support...

The Outdoor Learning Store is a charitable social enterprise offering excellent outdoor learning equipment and resources with 100% of proceeds going back to supporting outdoor learning not-for-profit initiatives. They have many professional learning resources on outdoor learning as well as an abundance of outdoor items in their online store! Learn more about Outdoor Learning Store here!...

Founded in 2007, Muddy Faces is a UK outdoor store which provides outdoor equipment including woodworking, clothing and footwear, as well as resources that support creative play, gardening and much more! They also have a free outdoor hub with a variety of resources including their Outdoor Practitioner Magazine! Learn more about Muddy Faces here!  ...