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These "how to" guides are intended to help municipalities and organizations improve play in their communities. They are based on the experiences of The City of Calgary who, since 2016, facilitated the creation, signing, and ongoing appraisal of the Calgary Play Charter as well as the development and implementation of a Mobile Adventure Playground....

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) on 20 November 2019, Play Wales published a new report where children and teenagers talk about what’s good about the play opportunities in their local area and how satisfied they are about when, how and where they can...

Active for Life helps Canadians raise physically literate kids. At parents and educators will find fun activities, engaging articles, and free resources to get kids active, healthy and happy. In this podcast, Dr. Brussoni explores the value of risky play and our perceptions of risk when it comes to kids’ play. She shares ideas about...

This learning brief, developed by Parachute, explains the characteristics and benefits of unstructured outdoor play and risky play. To access the learning brief, visit

This learning brief, developed by Parachute, describes key benefits of playgrounds and play spaces, including the benefits of risky play in these settings. It also guides parents on how they can ensure their child’s safety while also allowing their child to explore and develop. To access the learning brief, visit

Led by a team of researchers, early childhood educators, governmental agencies, and professionals in BC, the Seven Cs is an informational guide for early childhood educators, designers, administrators, and parents. The goal of Seven Cs is to help people design outdoor play spaces that support the development of young children and integrate the unique qualities...

As a “How-To Guidebook,” the Outdoor PLAYbook offers a selection of leading research and best practices for school grounds in the following areas: landscape architecture, sustainable design, economic and phasing strategies, child development, injury prevention, and outdoor educational opportunities.   The Outdoor PLAYbook was funded by the Vancouver School Board and won an award in 2017 from the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects. The Outdoor PLAYbook is available at

The Risk Benefit Assessment Toolkit, developed by the Child Nature Alliance of Canada, supports practitioners who encourage children's outdoor play. It takes a balanced approach to risk and safety. The toolkit was created it because of growing concerns that children are overprotected when playing outdoors or stopped from going outside altogether. As a result, they...

The Lawson Foundation is pleased to release Advancing Outdoor Play and Early Childhood Education: A Discussion Paper which is a synthesis of a multi-sector symposium convened in October 2018. The discussion paper shares the major themes of the Symposium and proposes concrete actions to advance outdoor play and early childhood education. Links to resources related to the discussion...

This infographic developed by Fuse Consulting Ltd. can be used to help mobilize the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play. Click here to download the infographic....