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The UpLift Partnership is a School-University-Community partnership supporting the health and learning of school-aged children and youth using a Healthy Promoting Schools approach. The UpLift team is hosted within Dalhousie University’s Healthy Populations Institute, while also operates in partnership with government, Nova Scotia Health, school communities, not-for-profits and the private sector. Their approach includes youth, schools,...

Recreation Nova Scotia (RNS), in collaboration with the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage – Communities, Sport, and Recreation Division, has produced an online and printed booklet on Outdoor Play for parents and caregivers. The booklet, Why Outdoor Play Matters: A practical guide for parents and caregivers includes things like: what to say instead of...

Recreation Nova Scotia (RNS), in collaboration with the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage – Communities, Sport, and Recreation Division, has produced an Outdoor Play Booklet with practical tips and guidance for parents and caregivers. This new resource includes information on many outdoor play topics such as the importance of outdoor play for children, guidance...

The PLEY (Physical Literacy and the Early Years) Project focused on improving physical literacy, physical activity and active outdoor play in Nova Scotia preschoolers through the integration of loose parts. Main findings of this project were summarized in a public-facing report and published in research-grade journals, were shared at the Summer of PLEY event in...

The Benefits of Being in Nature factsheet by the Halifax Regional Municipality and the Nova Scotia Health Authority summarizes evidence on the benefits of being in nature including the benefits of outdoor play for children's healthy movement, which references the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play. Also included in the factsheet is a list of...

UpLift for Healthier Generations, a policy initiative focused on unstructured outdoor play for children and youth in Nova Scotia, aims to promote community contribution to physical activity and complement school physical activity policy. The policy development framework of UpLift consists of the following: Examine child health and well-being in communities Develop a definition of unstructured...

Dr. Michelle Stone and her team at Play Outside NS, based out of Dalhousie University, developed an outdoor loose parts play video based on their Summer of PLEY (Physical Literacy in the Early Years) knowledge translation event. The event took place in Summer 2019 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and showcases the many ways children engaged...