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Farm to Cafeteria Canada has launched a new school food map and is intended for use by anyone who’s passionate about transforming how food is experienced, learned and celebrated at school. For schools, getting on the map can help celebrate your school's efforts, connect with other schools, and contribute to national data. For community partners,...

In 2021, Metropolis – a global network of major cities and metropolitan areas – launched a global call for children to draw their hopes for the city of the future. The resulting report: “How do children imagine the future of their metropolises” is the result of an analysis of children’s contributions in response to that...

The #NatureForAll Discovery Portal offers a wealth of nature-based resources to help connect people with nature, wherever they are. The resource page includes several drop-down menus to tailor your search. For example, within the 'focus area' menu, visitors can search resources related to bringing children into nature at an early age and finding & sharing...

On April 7, 2022 Dr. Trevor Hancock delivered a webinar on behalf of the Canadian Public Health Association entitled 'Our Planet, Our Health, Our Public Health Responsibility', in which he discusses climate change as the greatest public health challenge we now face, and efforts such as promoting outdoor play and learning as part of the...

Schoolyards Count, produced by Kelly Gallagher-Mackay (Wilfrid Laurier University), Christine Corso (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education), and Tammy Shubat (Ophea), reports on the quality of schoolyards across Ontario using data from citizen scientists. The report provides a review of why schoolyards matter for the health and wellbeing of students, a review of the gaps...

The 2020 Designing Streets for Kids Guide is a supplement to The Global Street Design Guide, collaboratively produced by the National Association of City Transportation Officials and Global Designing Cities Initiative.   This new Guide is a comprehensive, inspirational, yet practical guide that challenges us all to imagine a better way forward for our urban streets. Among...

Andrew Fleck Child Services, in partnership with Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group and Child and Nature Alliance of Canada, is constructing a multi-purpose iconic building on National Capital Commission (NCC) property, with the goal of promoting children’s play and learning outdoors on a regular and repeated basis. This building will house three primary functions: ...

On June 13, 2020, the Education Hub, based out of New Zealand, hosted an early childhood education (ECE) webinar entitled 'The importance of outdoor play and how to design outdoor spaces in ECE' featuring OPC Leadership Group Member Dr. Mariana Brussoni.  This webinar covered the latest research on outdoor play, risky play, and play in...

The 2020 review 'How Play Streets supports the development of physical literacy in children' was launched by the Centre for Sport and Social Impact at La Trobe University and commissioned by Play Australia. This review is an evaluation of the 1000 Play Streets project, which aims to 'support Australians in reclaiming their streets as places...

The Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA) put together a shared folder of COVID-19 resources to promote knowledge sharing and provide support for the parks and recreation sector in their efforts to address the challenges presented by the COVID-19 outbreak and related restrictions. In this shared folder there are templates, tools, and guidelines including those...