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Nature Canada has created Nature HomeSchool, a library of outdoor learning and play resources and tools, to help educators, caregivers, guardians, community leaders, and learners learn and connect to nature.   Check out the Nature HomeSchool Library here.  ...

Play Outdoors Magazine: Exploring Outdoor Experiences in Early Learning is devoted to bringing articles, inspiration and creative ideas to those who play a key role in shaping the first five years of a child's life. Articles are written by educators, practitioners, and researchers and include: how-to incorporate loose parts in the outdoor environment, books and...

Dr. Sarah Moore from the Healthy Populations Institute, Dalhousie University, is featured among a series of five whiteboard animation videos focused on ‘Staying Healthy During a Pandemic.’ In her video, Dr. Moore describes the impact of COVID-19 on the movement behaviours of children, where in Spring 2020, less than 3% of Canadian children and youth...

Recess Guardians has launched a free online program for elementary schools across Canada to support the development of leadership skills and confidence in youth through play and physical activity, while staying apart. The program includes video modules to empower youth, teacher-to-teacher communication boards, resources for teachers and parents to engage their youth, and ongoing weekly challenges. Check...

In the face of continued COVID-19 lockdown measures, Creative Star Learning Ltd revamped their list of outdoor educational ideas and materials to further support educators during this challenging time.   The list is separated into the following categories: Fabulous Facebook, Wonderful World Wide Webpages, and resources on the Creative Star Learning website itself!   Check out the full resource...

Play Scotland has put together the 'Toolkit for delivering Loose Parts Play in COVID-19' to support organizations in planning and delivering Loose Parts Play during COVID-19.   The toolkit includes a description of what Loose Parts Play is, a summary of the importance of Loose Parts Play, considerations for planning and risks associated with engaging in Loose...

Are you interested in connecting children with nature through outdoor learning and play?   Thrive Outside is the Child and Nature Alliance of Canada's newest (and free!) outdoor learning and play resource portal, available now! Designed by educators, for educators, Thrive Outside helps to re-imagine what back to school can look like beyond the classroom. There are...

The Raising Canada Reports are published annually and provide an in-depth review of the top 10 threats to childhood. In 2020, the report focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on these threats. In subsequent reports, the lasting impacts of COVID-19 on children's physical activity and play have continued to be a central theme...

Can I go outside? Is it even safe for me to go outside? Many people may assume they should stay indoors, when in fact, they should stay apart. This can be readily, and responsibly done in the outdoors, while benefiting from its many health promoting features....

Physical and Health Education (PHE) Canada has released a National Position Statement on Recess that calls for educators, administrators, and district officials to consider a new approach to recess in schools across Canada, and provides supporting information to do so. In the Statement, the authors outline the importance of recess for children's social well-being, immediate and...