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Professional Development

Thank you to Megan Zeni, PhD Candidate at the University of British Columbia, for providing this post. The Play Outside Lab at the University of British Columbia is now recruiting elementary school teachers who are willing to share photos, videos and learning materials that demonstrate outdoor play and learning in elementary (K-8) schools. If you know...

BREAKING NEWS. Outdoor Play Canada, the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group at the CHEO Research Institute, Andrew Fleck Children's Services and Algonquin College have recently been awarded $2M for a 5-year project to launch the Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play, a centre of excellence where practice, policy and research will come together to...

This posting was originally published by the Canadian Museum of Nature. Humber College Early Childhood Education Program, Etobicoke, Ontario: creation of course for nature-based play that incorporates Indigenous knowledge in the Not for Profit (large organization) is one of the 2022 national finalists for the Canadian Museum of Nature's Nature Inspiration award! Humber College’s Early Childhood Education...

Thank you to the Outdoor Learning Store for providing this post. The Outdoor Learning Store has compiled a list of key dates and events/initiatives on outdoor learning professional development opportunities across North America and the world! Keep scrolling to explore and find an event (or many) that align with your outdoor learning and play interests! Ongoing, Online: #NatureForAll...

The Outdoor Learning Store and their Outdoor Learning Partners have collaborated on a series of FREE Fall Outdoor Learning Virtual Workshops! Held on Tuesdays from September - November 2022, these 60 minute workshops come jam-packed with ideas, inspiration and resources from some of the best outdoor learning organizations and leaders in North America.  Included in the registration is a...

The Child Nature Alliance of Canada (CNAC) Forest and Nature School Practitioners Course is a year-long certificate course that consists of both in-person outdoor, experiential learning, as well as online self-directed learning. CNAC has been offering this course since 2012, adapting and improving it each year based on participant feedback and the ever-evolving Forest/Nature School...

Thank you to Jade Harvey-Berrill, Outreach and Events Manager for CBEEN & The Outdoor Learning Store, for providing this post. This post was originally published on the North American Association for Environmental Education website. Over a decade ago now, inspired by their local towering mountains, boundless lakes and streams, and dense forests, educators from across the...

The Parks Accessibility Conference runs virtually from August 23-25, 2022 and is free to attend! Led by Engineering Health at the KITE (Knowledge Innovation Talent Everywhere) Research Institute, the conference will bring together those with a desire to improve accessibility at national parks in Canada. Conference themes surround three main questions: What does National Park accessibility...