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In a recent piece published in The Conversation, Dr. Lauren McNamara, Research Scientist with the Diversity Institute at Ryerson University, and Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, Professor of Education Policy at the University of New South Wales discuss the importance of preserving recess when schools reopen after the COVID-19 shut downs. Their piece in The Conversation follows from...

In a piece for the Centre for Active Living, Kassi Boyd, the Community Impact Coordinator at The Steadward Centre for Personal & Physical Achievement, and a 3rd year PhD student in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation at the University of Alberta, and Dr. Jennifer Leo, Director of The Steadward Centre for Personal &...

On May 22nd, 2020, the Outdoor Council of Canada published a document for those leading outdoor activities entitled 'COVID-19 Principles and Practices for Led Outdoor Activity', to provide guidance on how to minimize the spread of COVID-19 while providing high quality Canadian Led Outdoor Activities. The aim of this document is to share experience, wisdom, leads...

This piece was a collaborative effort by UK professors from Sussex, Cambridge and Reading Universities, intended for general distribution.  As experts in children’s mental health and development, we urge that children’s social and emotional wellbeing be prioritised in all decisions relating to the easing of lockdown and re-opening of schools. We recognise the vital importance of...

On May 7th, 2020, Dr. Mariana Brussoni, on behalf of Outdoor Play Canada, presented on Play & Resiliency During COVID-19 as part of the World Urban Parks webinar. Check out her slides here: Play and Resiliency During COVID-19 Slide Deck and the full webinar here:      ...

In a recent piece published in The Conversation, Christine Alden, doctoral candidate at The University of Toronto, and Program Director for early child development and Outdoor Play Strategy with The Lawson Foundation, outlines the impact of COVID-19 related restrictions on children's access to outdoor play. She highlights that access to outdoor play is varied, especially in...

In Andre Picard's latest opinion piece in the Globe and Mail, the health columnist suggests a new mantra be adopted as reopening measures are put in place across Canada: 'Go outside, but do not congregate'. He suggests that part of easing restrictions on outdoor activity should include creating more space, i.e. closing streets to allow for...

On May 4, 2020, journalist Geoff Mcmaster published an article entitled: 'Why COVID-19 loneliness can be especially hard on teens' for the University of Alberta Folio journal. In the article Mcmaster highlights the observation that social isolation due to COVID-19 restrictions may be significantly impacting the health of teens, adding to a disturbing trend Mcmaster calls...