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Thank you to Dr. Debra Harwood, Professor in the Department of Educational Studies at Brock University, for providing this post. Researchers from Brock University are inviting Nature educators/individuals to participate in a research project on outdoor nature-based programs, entitled Outdoor and Nature-Based Early Learning in Canada: Revisiting the Scene Post-Pandemic.  For this study, an outdoor nature-based program...

POSITION: MSc / PhD Studentship Opportunity (through Carleton University)  PERIOD: January 2024 (for 2 years - MSc, 3 years - PhD)   SALARY: MSc: $20,000 annually + $1000 Professional Development Allowance – for two years  PhD: $25,000 annually + $2500 Professional Development Allowance – for three years  REPORTS TO: Dr. Mark Tremblay, Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research...

Thank you to Dr. Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet and Dr. Felix Berrigan for providing this post. This article was originally published in The Conversation. There is a growing interest across Canada in outdoor education that is formally integrated into school. This trend has increased since COVID-19, particularly because open-air environments significantly reduced the risks of disease transmission. Outdoor education is an...

Thank you to Dr. Louise de Lannoy, in-coming Executive Director of Outdoor Play Canada, for providing this post. When Outdoor Play Canada started the process of developing the 2021 Outdoor Play in Canada: State of the Sector Report, they envisioned the report consisting of three components: 1) a review of where the outdoor play sector has...

Thank you to Dr. Louise de Lannoy, Research Manager at Outdoor Play Canada, for providing this guest post.  The 2015 Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play highlighted the unequivocal benefits of outdoor play for children’s physical, mental, emotional, social and environmental health, well-being and development. The Position Statement invigorated the outdoor play sector, bringing together many...

Thank you for Dr. Richard Larouche, Assistant Professor of Public Health at the University of Lethbridge,  for providing this post. Outdoor Play Canada was founded shortly after the release of the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play, which stated that "Access to active play in nature and outdoors-with its risks-is essential for healthy child development. We...

Thank you to ParticipACTION for providing this post. The 2022 ParticipACTION Children and Youth Report Card has arrived! The 15th edition of the Report Card contains grades based on data collected during the pandemic to better assess its impact on kids’ movement behaviours. The pandemic drove a sudden and drastic shift in how kids could access physical...

Thank you to Jade Harvey-Berrill, Outreach and Events Manager for CBEEN & The Outdoor Learning Store, for providing this post. This post was originally published on the North American Association for Environmental Education website. Over a decade ago now, inspired by their local towering mountains, boundless lakes and streams, and dense forests, educators from across the...

May 24th, 2022 1-2:15pm ET The 17th UNICEF Report Card on Child and Youth Well-being will be launched with a focus this year on children's environment. For the past two decades the UNICEF Report Cards have examined the state of children and youth's wellbeing across high-income countries providing comparisons and rankings for each country based...

A New Research Chair in Outdoor Education (Chaire de recherche sur l’éducation en plein air (CREPA)) has been created at Sherbrooke University, Quebec! Professor Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet, the Research Chair for this program, will receive $625,000 in financial support over five years from the Ministry of Education in Quebec for his work exploring outdoor teaching practices...