Ready, Set, Go Outside: Preschoolers’ Physical Activity Indoors versus Outdoors
Thank you to Amber Fyfe-Johnson, ND, PhD (Washington State University) & Pooja Tandon, MD, MPH (Seattle Children’s Research Institute, University of Washington) for providing this post.
The preschool years are a critical period in life for growth, development, and for laying the foundation for healthy eating and physical activity behaviors. Research suggests that many preschoolers in early childhood educational settings do not meet current recommendations for physical activity.1 Ample evidence has found that children are more physically active outdoors, and are likely experiencing other benefits of their outdoor time. 2–8 Nonetheless, most studies to date have relied on potentially biased child/parent reports or resource intensive direct observation to quantify children’s time outdoors and its relationship with physical activity.9–12
Thus, we conducted a study to quantify and examine differences in preschoolers’ indoor and outdoor physical activity in early childhood educational settings using GPS devices and accelerometers (activity meters). We studied 46 children (average age 4.5 years) from five childcare centers in the Seattle, WA area who wore accelerometers and GPS devices around their waists for five days during regular childcare hours. We found that, on average, 46% of children spent <60 minutes/day outdoors. Every additional 10 minutes of outdoor time each day was associated with a 2.9 minute increase in moderate to vigorous physical activity. Preschool-aged children were twice as active and less sedentary when outdoors compared to indoors in early childhood education settings.
To help preschoolers achieve physical activity recommendations and attain other known benefits of outdoor time, it is important to consider how to increase the amount of time preschool-aged children spend outdoors and further study how best to structure it. Possibilities include increasing the availability of nature/outdoor preschools, requiring preschools to meet recommendations for total time spent outdoors, or modifying traditional outdoor play spaces to make them more conducive to active play. A recent study examining movement patterns in children before and after installation of a more natural outdoor play space at two preschools in Canada found that post-installation, children were more interactive with their environment and movement patterns were more spatially complex. The authors concluded that children were more engaged in their play after the installation of natural elements. 13,14 Thus, a nature preschool model may be a mechanism to promote outdoor time, physical activity, and active learning in early childhood. We are currently conducting a study on 200 children that examines the impacts of an outdoor preschool model on health outcomes (physical activity, sleep quality and quantity, and gut microbiome diversity) in early childhood.
In conclusion, as more evidence accumulates supporting the various benefits of outdoor time in early childhood, it is imperative that policy-makers, educators, parents and other stakeholders prioritize outdoor time and outdoor play opportunities for all children.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education. Active Start: A Statement of Physical Activity Guidelines for Children Birth to Five Years. Reston, VA; 2002.
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The full article can be accessed here.