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Safety & Outdoor Play

In collaboration with the Canadian Disability Participation Project, The Steadward Centre for Personal and Physical Achievement, and the Adapt Lab, a team of researchers and practitioners with expertise in childhood disability, inclusive play, and community programming have produced a Quality Participation on Playgrounds Blueprint resource. It is adapted from the Canadian Disability Participation Project’s Blueprint...

On May 16th, 2023, Outdoor Play Canada will be hosting a Risky Outdoor Play webinar, featuring speakers from Canada, the US, and Norway! This 90min webinar will begin with a summary of research from each of our speakers, followed by what's sure to be a lively discussion! Join us! Register here.   ...

The Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play Collaborative (CHEO Research Institute, Algonquin College, Andrew Fleck Children’s Services, Outdoor Play Canada) is seeking outdoor early childhood education (ECE) leaders to join the newly formed National Panel on Licensing of Outdoor Early Childhood Education (“The National Panel”). This National Panel will advance efforts towards changing ECE licensing regulations across...

Thank you to Dr. Louise de Lannoy, in-coming Executive Director of Outdoor Play Canada, for providing this post. When Outdoor Play Canada started the process of developing the 2021 Outdoor Play in Canada: State of the Sector Report, they envisioned the report consisting of three components: 1) a review of where the outdoor play sector has...

On Thursday March 30th at 20:00 GMT, the International Journal of Behavior Nutrition and Physical Activity Early Childhood Education Special Interest Group (ISBNPA ECE SIG) is hosting a webinar entitled: 'Outdoor and Nature Play: A Global Look at Research Policy & Practice'. This 75-minute webinar will include a discussion from international experts currently working in the...

Thank you to Dr. Louise de Lannoy, Research Manager at Outdoor Play Canada, for providing this guest post.  The 2015 Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play highlighted the unequivocal benefits of outdoor play for children’s physical, mental, emotional, social and environmental health, well-being and development. The Position Statement invigorated the outdoor play sector, bringing together many...

Thank you to Dr. Michelle EE Bauer, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, for providing this post.  Most children enjoy playing outdoors with their friends and other peers. Children typically play with other peers they feel comfortable and safe around and those who bring the most excitement and joy to them during their...

Thank you to Megan Zeni, PhD Candidate at the University of British Columbia, for providing this post. The Play Outside Lab at the University of British Columbia is now recruiting elementary school teachers who are willing to share photos, videos and learning materials that demonstrate outdoor play and learning in elementary (K-8) schools. If you know...

Thank you to Dr Michaela James – Swansea University, UK,  for providing this post. Play is a vital part of growing up; it is so important that it has been made a right by the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) under Article 31 [1]. Therefore, by its definition, young people have...