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Professional Development

In the August 2020 series of HELP Coffee Talks, host Dr. Eva Oberle from the Human Early Learning Partnership at the University of British Columbia, discussed the state of outdoor play in Canada with Outdoor Play Canada's Leadership Group member, Dr. Mariana Brussoni, and the role of outdoor learning in schools and how teachers can...

Thank you to Louise Zimanyi and Olga Rossovska, Professors of Early Childhood Education at Humber College, for providing this post. "I Speak Frog: Storying Seasonal Narratives of Children’s Common Worlds" is part of a special peer-reviewed series published through the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario's eceLink. The full article can be accessed here. The special...

Included in this slide deck is a series of statistics related to children's outdoor play. Use these slides as a knowledge sharing, advocacy tool to support outdoor play in your network. Check them out here: OPC Statistics Slide Deck....

Included in this slide deck is a series of resources and web links related to children's outdoor play. Use these slides as a knowledge sharing, advocacy tool to support outdoor play in your network. Check them out here: OPC Resources Slide Deck....

Included in this slide deck is a series of images related to children's outdoor play. Use these slides as a knowledge sharing, advocacy tool to support outdoor play in your network. Check them out here: Outdoor Play Stock Images Slide Deck....

Included in this slide deck is a series of infographics, cartoons, and quotes related to children's movement behaviours (sleep, sedentary time, and physical activity including active outdoor play) in Canada, how those movement behaviours have changed over time, and factors to consider when promoting active outdoor play. Use these slides as a knowledge sharing, advocacy tool...

The Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play was released in 2015. Use these slides summarizing the Statement as a knowledge sharing, advocacy tool to support outdoor play in your community: OPC Position Statement....

Thank you to Louise Zimanyi and Olga Rossovska, Professors of Early Childhood Education at  Humber College, for providing this post. Two 150-year old crack willow trees surrounded by 250 acres of Carolinian forest, one of Canada’s most biologically diverse ecosystems, are the heart of The Willows forest nature program for children at the Child Development Centre...

In a recent blog post for Child and Nature Alliance of Canada, Petra Eperjesi, manager of National Programs at Forest School Canada, outdoor teacher and parent, describes her rediscovery of play as the language of children and as a therapeutic outlet, as she participates in her son's make-belief game involving a troll, the powerful FLASH,...

In a recent piece published in The Conversation, Dr. Lauren McNamara, Research Scientist with the Diversity Institute at Ryerson University, and Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, Professor of Education Policy at the University of New South Wales discuss the importance of preserving recess when schools reopen after the COVID-19 shut downs. Their piece in The Conversation follows from...