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Professional Development

On Friday, April 16th at 12pm EST, Outdoor Play Canada will be hosting their next townhall. At this meeting, we will discuss the equity, diversity, and inclusion process among outdoor-oriented organizations. We aim to have an open conversation about this process. We aim to listen and learn, share interesting thoughts and ideas, and gather informational stories...

On March 30th, 2021 at 12pm CST, Sask in Motion will be hosting their final Leaders' Series webinar. The panel talk will focus on the City of Calgary's experience creating a play charter and adventure playground, featuring OPC Leadership Group member Heather Cowie, in addition to Adam Bienenstock (Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds), Stephanie Won (City of Calgary)...

Thank you to Eun-Young Lee, PhD, School of Kinesiology & Health Studies at Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, Stephen Hunter, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, and Mark S. Tremblay, PhD, Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada,...

Construction of a new, multi-purpose iconic building on National Capital Commission (NCC) property is about to begin. Fences are being put up, a biologist will be onsite Monday, and the removal of trees (as few as possible) will start Tuesday. Trees destined to be cut will be turned into lumber for future use inside the...

Dr. Tracy Vaillancourt, Professor at the University of Ottawa and Chair of the Royal Society of Canada's Working Group on Children and Schools, recently wrote an Op Ed piece for the Globe and Mail, entitled: 'Physical activity - the forgotten core area of child development during the pandemic'. In the piece Dr. Vaillancourt highlights the observation...

On March 13, 2021, Dr. Mark Tremblay, chair of Outdoor Play Canada, was interviewed by Adrian Harewood on the CBC show 'Our Ottawa'. Dr. Tremblay discussed major findings from the national survey of children and youth's movement and play behaviours during COVID-19, that he led with researchers from universities across Canada, commissioned by ParticipACTION. In the interview,...

Active Smarter Kids (ASK) is a model for curriculum delivery developed in Norway that incorporates physical activity into academic lessons in a meaningful way. ASK physically active lessons occur primarily outdoors and aim to engage all students, and encourage collaborative and cooperative learning.   The Nova Scotia ASK Project was piloted in two schools in the 2018-2019...

ReImagine RREC (Renew, Retool, Engage, Contribute) is a national COVID-19 recovery initiative led by the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA) and its partners and is supported by Sport Canada and the Government of Canada. ReImagine RREC aims to support administrators, policymakers, practitioners, and volunteers working in recreation, parks, and community sport to return to sustainable...

On February 17th, Strong Minds Strong Kids is hosting a webinar entitled 'How Nature Benefits Kids and Youth', featuring clinical psychologist Dr. Robin Alter. In the webinar Dr. Alter will discuss the evidence on the strong connection between nature and mental health and wellbeing.   For more information and to register: How Nature Benefits Kids and Youth...

On February 1st, 2021, the Great Trail hosted an expert panel on boosting mental health during the winter as part of their #Blahs2ahhhs campaign. Their four experts shared insights on the importance of getting outdoors in all seasons to boost mental health and provided ideas on how to stay active and healthy - mentally, physically,...