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Health, Wellbeing & Development

Thank you to Gerben Helleman, author of the blog Urban Springtime and Researcher Public Space and Child-friendly Cities at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, for providing this post.  Fortunately, more and more municipalities are working on play-friendly public spaces. However, many policy visions and investments are still based on assumptions made by municipal officials or...

Thank you to ParticipACTION for providing this post. The 2022 ParticipACTION Children and Youth Report Card has arrived! The 15th edition of the Report Card contains grades based on data collected during the pandemic to better assess its impact on kids’ movement behaviours. The pandemic drove a sudden and drastic shift in how kids could access physical...

Thank you to Families Canada for providing this post. This week is National Family Week! This year's theme is Play At All Ages: A Prescription for Wellbeing. Play is the universal right and language of childhood. Through play, children learn, make friends, communicate, stay active, problem-solve, and make sense of the world around them! Since 1985, during...

This posting was originally published by the Canadian Museum of Nature. Humber College Early Childhood Education Program, Etobicoke, Ontario: creation of course for nature-based play that incorporates Indigenous knowledge in the Not for Profit (large organization) is one of the 2022 national finalists for the Canadian Museum of Nature's Nature Inspiration award! Humber College’s Early Childhood Education...

Thank you to Karen Dommett, Director at Calgary Adapted Hub powered by Jumpstart, for providing this post. Who We Are: Founded through the leadership of Jumpstart, Calgary Adapted Hub exists to make sport and recreation more inclusive for children, youth, and families living with disabilities including physical, intellectual, sensory, developmental, or otherwise. Our goal is to maximize...

Thank you to Take Me Outside for providing this post. Take Me Outside is a non-profit organization committed to raising awareness and facilitating action on nature connection and outdoor learning in schools across Turtle Island (North America).  Last year, Take Me Outside Day had 8,900 educators and 400,000 learners participate in a week of events, activities and...

The Outdoor Learning Store and their Outdoor Learning Partners have collaborated on a series of FREE Fall Outdoor Learning Virtual Workshops! Held on Tuesdays from September - November 2022, these 60 minute workshops come jam-packed with ideas, inspiration and resources from some of the best outdoor learning organizations and leaders in North America.  Included in the registration is a...