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Thank you to Christina Han, Research Coordinator with the PlayOutside Lab, for providing this post. Dr. Mariana Brussoni and her research team at the University of British Columbia are excited to share, a free online tool designed to help teachers support outdoor play and learning in elementary schools. The Outdoor Play and Learning tool was...

POSITION: MSc / PhD Studentship Opportunity (through Carleton University)  PERIOD: January 2024 (for 2 years - MSc, 3 years - PhD)   SALARY: MSc: $20,000 annually + $1000 Professional Development Allowance – for two years  PhD: $25,000 annually + $2500 Professional Development Allowance – for three years  REPORTS TO: Dr. Mark Tremblay, Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="center" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][message type="normal" border="no" background_color="#5dc269"]The 2023 Outdoor Play Canada Awards were presented at the biennnial Breath of Fresh Air Outdoor Play Summit at Wesley Clover Parks in Ottawa, Canada.[/message][/vc_column][/vc_row] [vc_empty_space height="64px"] [icons icon="fa-trophy" size="fa-4x" type="normal" icon_animation="" link="" target="_blank" icon_color="#3f8963" position="center"] [vc_empty_space height="32px"] Honour Award [vc_empty_space height="32px"] The Outdoor Play Canada Honour Award is the highest...

Sold out third biennial Summit hosted at Wesley Clover Parks Sept. 27-29  SEPTEMBER 27, 2023 – Ottawa, Canada – The sold-out Breath of Fresh Air Summit (BoFA – is a three-day Outdoor Play Summit where thought leaders, practitioners, researchers and policy makers connect – outdoors – and share best practices for promoting and supporting outdoor...

Thank you to Dr. Ole Sando, Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Education and Health at Queen Maud University in Trondheim, Norway, for providing this post. Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) institutions offer young children an environment with play opportunities that contribute to their development. The complexity of early childhood learning led to the...

The Outdoor Learning Store is partnering with over 70 other non-profit partners to offer Free Fall Outdoor Learning Virtual Workshops! Sign-up to join some/all of these 60-min sessions: Naturally Inclusive: Engaging Children of All Abilities Outdoors Wild Learning: Practical Ideas to Bring Teaching Outdoors Outdoor Learning through Patterns in Nature Connecting Children...

The Outdoor Play Canada 2023 Awards will be presented at this year’s Breath of Fresh Air Outdoor Play Summit!  If you know of an individual or organization that has demonstrated exceptional commitment and leadership in the promotion of outdoor play, nominate them for an OPC award! Award categories include: 2023 OPC Honour Award Dr. Mariana Brussoni...

Thank you to the Nova Scotia Outdoor Play Network for providing this post. The Nova Scotia Outdoor Play Network was formed during the development of the Outdoor Play in Canada: 2021 State of the Sector Report, led by Outdoor Play Canada (OPC), which brought together outdoor play stakeholders from across Canada to identify the wealth of...

Organizations that provide physical activity programs for individuals with disabilities are often required to do evaluations to secure funding, show impact to board members and stakeholders, and understand their ability to grow. However, programs are difficult to evaluate due to their complexity and competing organizational priorities. There are also very few resources to support evaluation...

Thank you to Dr. Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet and Dr. Felix Berrigan for providing this post. This article was originally published in The Conversation. There is a growing interest across Canada in outdoor education that is formally integrated into school. This trend has increased since COVID-19, particularly because open-air environments significantly reduced the risks of disease transmission. Outdoor education is an...