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Thank you to Professor Helen Dodd (University of Reading) for providing this post. When children play in an adventurous way, climbing trees, riding their bikes fast downhill, jumping from rocks, they experience feelings of fear and excitement, thrill and adrenaline. In our recently published conceptual paper, Dr Kathryn Lester and I argue that these experiences, as...

On February 1st, 2021, the Great Trail hosted an expert panel on boosting mental health during the winter as part of their #Blahs2ahhhs campaign. Their four experts shared insights on the importance of getting outdoors in all seasons to boost mental health and provided ideas on how to stay active and healthy - mentally, physically,...

From January 23-24, 2021, the International Association of Children's Active Play and Sport (CAPS) hosted an online workshop entitled 'Designing Effective Non-Contact Active Play & Physical Education Activities for Children’s Classes' to support educators, physical education and sport coaches in delivering non-contact, fun and educational active play and physical education games during the COVID-19 pandemic. Among...

The Healthy Kids Community Challenge was a program funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care from 2015-2018 in Ontario that supported 45 communities in Ontario in improving children’s health through the promotion of healthy behaviours (improving physical activity and healthy eating, reducing screen time). Themes that were part of this program included 'Run....

The Canadian Parks and Recreation Association is proud to partner with 8 80 Cities and World Urban Parks to promote a series of webinars examining the role of public space development and city programming, design, and management in promoting winter accessibility of parks, public spaces and open spaces.  In these webinars, the CPRA will hear...

Outdoor Play Canada is hosting it's first Townhall Meeting on Friday, January 15th at 12pm EST. Join us to hear an overview of our goals and strategic priorities from OPC Chair Dr. Mark Tremblay, learn about other sector activities, and share your updates at the roundtable discussion. Registration Link  ...

In a recent article for The Conversation, Professor Patrick Lewis and Master's student Whitney Blaisdell from the University of Regina, describe preliminary findings from their survey on play (or the lack thereof) during the pandemic, and provide recommendations on how to support play at home as we move forward into the new year. The authors make...

From 2017-2020, Evergreen together with the City of Kitchener, the Waterloo Region District School Board, and the Lyle. S. Hallman Family Foundation launched the Neighbourhood Nature Play Initiative. This Kitchener-based collaborative, community-led participatory initiative encouraged children and their families to play and learn in nature by transforming two local parks into vibrant hubs. Through this initiative,...

Over the winter holiday season, Milner Gardens & Woodland is encouraging families to get outdoors for play by creating a '12 days of Outdoor Play' challenge. The challenge encourages families to get outdoors every day for at least 30 minutes per day, 12 days in a row from Monday December 21, 2020 to Friday January...