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This posting was originally published by the Canadian Museum of Nature. Humber College Early Childhood Education Program, Etobicoke, Ontario: creation of course for nature-based play that incorporates Indigenous knowledge in the Not for Profit (large organization) is one of the 2022 national finalists for the Canadian Museum of Nature's Nature Inspiration award! Humber College’s Early Childhood Education...

The 2022 ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge is here with local activities happening across the country in June to help get Canadians active together for mental and physical health benefit! From June 1-30, 2022, ParticipACTION invites you to track your physical activity minutes on the ParticipACTION app to help your municipality be named Canada's Most Active Community...

May 24th, 2022 1-2:15pm ET The 17th UNICEF Report Card on Child and Youth Well-being will be launched with a focus this year on children's environment. For the past two decades the UNICEF Report Cards have examined the state of children and youth's wellbeing across high-income countries providing comparisons and rankings for each country based...

Outdoor Play Canada is proud to be among over 40 organizational signatories of the Healthy Environments for Learning Day Vision Statement for Healthy and Sustainable Child Care Environments, led by the Canadian Partnership for Children's Health and Environment and the Canadian Child Care Federation. This vision statement outlines ten core elements of healthy and sustainable...

The Government of Canada recently announced their decision to invest $55 million in the Trans Canada Trail (TCT) over the next 5 years. As outlined by the TCT team, this funding will support a number of ambitious initiatives that aim to: 'continue to improve the Trail’s accessibility, enhance opportunities to invest in the next generation of...

Thank you to Janet Omstead, play and wellness expert, author, and coach, for providing this post.  Nothing fills me with more joy than spreading the word on how play is a cornerstone of health, wellness and quality of life as we age.  Recently I spoke with Education Talk Radio host Larry Jacobs on his show about why...

From 4-5pm EST on December 14th, 2021, Outdoor Play Canada’s Research Manager, Dr. Louise de Lannoy will moderate US Play Coalition’s monthly #WePlatChat online learning event. The conversation, held on Twitter, will focus on what we can collectively do to promote, protect, preserve, and invest in outdoor play environments.   Join us here on Twitter to contribute to...

OCTOBER 06, 2021 Across Canada during the pandemic, children and youth have spent less time playing outdoors  — and simply being outside — adding onto our country’s already failing grade for active play. Today’s release of Outdoor Play in Canada: 2021 State of the Sector Report puts forward nine priorities for the outdoor play sector to...

Thank you to Louise Zimanyi, Professor of Early Childhood Education at Humber College, for providing this post.   As we mark the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, 2021, we honour the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. In reflection, Professor Shirantha Beddage spoke to Louise Zimanyi and Lynn Short about Humber's...

The Breath of Fresh Air Outdoor Play Summit is a two-day Outdoor Play Canada-led Summit where thought leaders, practitioners, researchers, and policy makers can connect and share best practices. This innovative national forum on outdoor play historically took place in an open air environment. This year the Summit will be held virtually and will be streamed from the Ottawa Forest...