Rallying for Resilience: Keeping Children and Youth Active in a Changing Climate
The 16th edition of the Report Card, Rallying for Resilience: Keeping Children and Youth Active in a Changing Climate, highlights how the current and impending effects of climate change could be particularly harmful for children and youth’s physical activity. Unfavourable weather and climate conditions like heatwaves, heavy rain and smoke-filled air can lead to recesses and outdoor sport and recreation activities being cancelled, and more time spent indoors being sedentary with increased exposure to screens.
Given that only 22% of children and youth (five to 17 years of age) in Canada met the recommendation of 2 hours per day of total time engaged in unstructured play, earning them a grade of D-, how can we help children and youth face adversity, move more and build resilience to future-proof the next generation?
The 2024 Report Card shares some solutions. Read it at ParticipACTION.com/Children-and-Youth-ReportCard.