Funding for Outdoor Play in Canada
July 29, 2021 A new report from the Lawson Foundation and Outdoor Play Canada, ‘Funding for Outdoor Play in Canada’ – released today – identifies funding trends as well as current and potential funders of outdoor play.
Based on an environmental scan, a grant seeker survey, and interviews with funders, this report outlines the drivers of funding for outdoor play, the key issue areas that connect outdoor play to existing funding interests, and insights as to how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the funding environment. The report also includes a list of potential funders of outdoor play from foundations, corporations, and governments.
A major highlight of the report is that outdoor play can serve to address issues in many areas, from health and education to the environment and issues surrounding justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Therefore, outdoor play provides an opportunity to build linkages across broad funding areas.
We hope that funders and grant seekers will use this report to find common ground and build partnerships to advance children’s outdoor play in Canada, and help us in our collective mission to promote, protect, and preserve access to play in nature and the outdoors for all!
Check out the Funding for Outdoor Play in Canada Report here*.
*Note: This report will be made available in French in September 2021.