Outdoor Play in Canada Stakeholder Survey
You are invited to complete an anonymous survey on the major priorities and actions for the Canadian outdoor play sector (e.g., outdoor play oriented education, research, policy, organizations, community & youth programs) moving forward over the next five years.
This survey is being done as part of a larger Outdoor Play in Canada State of the Sector Report, which will serve as an account of what has happened within the outdoor play sector over the past six years, where we are now, and where we need to go from here. The Report will serve to bring the many Canadian outdoor play-oriented groups together to create a sense of ‘community’, provide a common vision for the sector to thrive over the next five years, and identify priorities for action.
As part of the process of identifying priorities for action, we consulted 73 individuals from across Canada from government, policy, not-for-profit and for-profit organizations, education, and research on what they felt were the major priorities for the sector and what actions need to be taken to move these priorities forward. Common priorities and actions were identified, refined, and voted on.
Now we want to hear from you, to make sure that this Report reflects what YOU think the major priorities and actions are for the outdoor play sector moving forward. We want to know if you agree with these priorities and actions, if you have suggested edits/changes, and what may still be missing. For most people, this survey should take no longer than 20-30 minutes to complete. Please share this survey with your networks to help us maximize reach and input. Please complete the survey by May 28th.
Click here for the survey in English.
Cliquez ici pour la version française.
Thank you!
Louise, on behalf of the Outdoor Play Canada team.