COVID-19, Health, Wellbeing & Development, Loose Parts, Practice, Professional Development
Nova Scotia Active Smarter Kids Initiative
March 12, 2021
Active Smarter Kids (ASK) is a model for curriculum delivery developed in Norway that incorporates physical activity into academic lessons in a meaningful way. ASK physically active lessons occur primarily outdoors and aim to engage all students, and encourage collaborative and cooperative learning.
The Nova Scotia ASK Project was piloted in two schools in the 2018-2019 school year, and in 6 schools in the 2019-2020 school year in the South Shore Regional Centre for Education. Given the success of the initial pilot in increasing student’s physical activity while reinforcing academic learning, the project has expanded to support the implementation of NS ASK physically active learning methods in schools across Nova Scotia. Funding support for the project is provided by the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, and Heritage, the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, the Nova Scotia Health Authority, the South Shore Regional Centre for Education, and the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg.
Watch an introductory video about the Nova Scotia ASK initiative here.
Learn more about the Nova Scotia ASK initiative here.
Check out the brief 1-page pilot project summary here.
Read the initial Nova Scotia ASK pilot project report here.
Also see this ASK resource for teachers (including resources on how to support ASK programming remotely).