Archive, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Policy, Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play, Practice, Professional Development, Research, Safety & Outdoor Play
Triennial World Conference 2017: Unleashing the Power of Play
September 10, 2017
In 2017, the International Play Association hosted their Triennial World Play Conference: Unleashing the Power of Play, in Calgary, Alberta. This triennial conference is for play researchers, advocates, designers, educators, practitioners, providers, and policymakers and aims to celebrate play, understand its many benefits, and provide all children with the chance to engage in rich, meaningful, free play…every day.
Conference topics from 2017 included:
- Play in programs for children and youth
- Inclusive play for children with disabilities
- Risky play
- Perceptions of outdoor and nature play (which included a presentation on the impact of the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play)
- Play-work training
Learn more about the 2017 conference here and future triennial IPA conferences here.